Mortal enemies Nick Griffin and Adam Walker are set to bump into each other at this weekend’s Pegida rally in Newcastle. The two won’t be alone, just about every fascist that can walk will be there. It’s a sure fire way on all their parts of ensuring the group gets strangled at birth. And if anybody can ruin a political movement, it’s Griffin and Walker, who between them have done a fine job of reducing the British National Party (BNP) to dust.
While Walker spends a great deal of his time as the BNP leader avoiding public scrutiny (seven months as BNP leader and still he won’t face the press), Griffin has been busy traveling the world with his begging bowl at the ready. He makes the cartoon character Peter Griffin seem less cringe worthy.
There’s not a lot Britain’s fallen Fuhrer won’t do now for a few quid-as long as there’s some dodgy regime willing to filll his gut, Griffin will get a sandwich board out and justify all manner of things. Only yesterday I heard how he was actually sending his CV to a certain Iranian broadcaster…
The National Front will not be going to Newcastle, though. They’re in the process of preparing another of their disastrous raids in Wales this weekend. Let’s hope Bryony Burton, National Action’s heartbreaker (don’t worry Garron-dry your eyes mate) doesn’t decide to join them for an orgy of violence. I understand her Mother could be getting a hard time at Companies House due to her daughter’s blogging about “dirty hook nosed jews” (sic) and the ongoing harassment of a labour MP.
Let’s hope Bryony’s wicked ways do not also hamper her little sister’s plans to make it big in the film business, either. Those Burton’s from Mountain Ash were big in the film business once, apparently..
Talking of Jew haters and the National Front, how’s this above from the National Front on the now presumably doomed march in London? Who’d be Eddie Stampton, eh? No sooner had Stampton started gobbing off that he would “do the Jew” that he claims Frank Portinari is (it’s actually worse-the UDA boss is a catholic,) then another Nazi who poses as a Loyalist, John “Snowy” Shaw, gets his jaw broken on his own doorstep! Shaw is laid up in bed after upsetting somebody bigger and stronger than him and is now having to suck soup through a straw. Still, it’s more than those Llamas he starved to death ever got.