According to a Scottish newspaper, the German nutzi group Pegida has been to Scotland and held top secret meetings, meeting top secret people about having a top secret march etc, etc.
Sadly, it must be soooo top secret, that the newspaper cannot name who, where, what or when. It’s just amazing that they found out this top secret information in the first place. And so, repeated a whole lot of nothing, twice.
A fair guess is that any Pegida rally, march or riot, will not be any different in make up than the sort of racist idiot who went to the recent Pegida rally in Newcastle.
I quite often mention the alleged seedy lifestyle of certain British National Party (BNP) members. Now it seems that the partner of office manager Dawn Charlton has taken to Facebook to express his shock and horror. Always the last to know, it seems.
Charlton and Jefferson bottom left
We haven’t mentioned the serial thug, wife beater, Nazi and grass Eddie Stampton for a week or so. So, I was shocked to discover that he had been left in a gutter by some rather angry Chelsea Headhunter football hooligans last week who had taken exception to his exploits.
Stampton had just left a London police station where he was telling them he no longer was an organiser of the proposed Nazi march through London about the so called “Jewification” of the area, when he found himself confronted by his own personal nightmare and so he crawled into a ball and took it on the chin. And the head, back, legs and arms. Stampton had actually pulled out of organising the march because he had been warned that he was at risk because of it. His decision to then print up badges and t-shirts to cash in on his association with the gang of Chelsea hooligans did not help his cause either.
We at HNH Towers do not of course, condone violence of any sort but given that Stampton had previously been to prison for nearly beating his girlfriend to death, we won’t shed too many tears even if he did not have his cucumber to protect him.
As a little aside, whilst Stampton was being acquainted with the pavement by old friends, members of the teenage Nazi gang National Action-themselves no longer actively supporting the march either, were getting phone calls and visits by the police.
They may not be able to grow beards properly, but even they can put two and two together.
Stampton: Not popular