A weekend of fascist failures..

Matthew Collins - 09 03 15
SEA: Cheap lager and some clean pants, please

SEA: Cheap lager and some clean pants, please

Not a good weekend to be a fascist. First of all, the idiots from the South East Alliance (SEA) who still follow the lead wally Paul Prodromou, had a rally in a carpark outside of Rotherham.

Everything Prodromou touches turns to rubbish. He and his gang were meant to be going to Rotherham to “take back the streets” from Muslim grooming gangs. Instead, the police pulled them and a few National Front members off the motorway and told them that they were not welcome in town.

Prodromou then shouted at the police. He’s good at that. He’s not good at organising marches, rallies, weddings or Bar Mitzvah Gifts. Even the idiot with their camera got the year wrong.

Instead of a race riot, they went to ASDA and bought a load of beer for the journey home in a half empty coach. One of them even wet his pants too.

173 English Defence League (EDL) supporters went to Manchester and were shuffled up a few back streets. There was a very sad expression on Gail Speight’s face as her half empty coach from Leeds pulled in to town. I guess her days of having a profitable “whip-round” are numbered. The EDL’s head steward, Dave Bolton, was standing around swigging cans of lager but the great oaf and moron-who cares so much about England, does not use a litter bin and just throws his rubbish on the floor. Patriotism, eh?

Paul Golding of Britain First was given the flour and egg treatment in Derby and then arrested for his troubles. Expect to see Britain First pancakes for sale on his website any day soon.

And Nick Griffin, remember him? He heard that an Asian man carried out a sexual assault in Leeds and found himself so aroused that he went ahead and tweeted himself silly with allegations that the attack was some kind of “ethnic cleansing” against white people. Griffin then shut up when he was told that the victim of the assault was also Asian.

Gail fails to make a profit

Gail fails to make a profit


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