One does wonder what has come over the police and council in Manchester that they have decided to allow a “White Pride” rally there this Saturday. There will be, according to the organisers, “no blacks, no Muslims, no Gays” allowed at the rally. Actually, what they are saying is a lot more vulgar than that, but you get the drift..
The rally is being organised by the National Front (NF), and as well as no blacks, no Asians etc, they are also warning National Action (NA) that they do not want them turning up with their own flags, banners and fireworks.
National Action have now been christened “Kindergarten Action” by some in the NF after their rather poor turn out in Newcastle last weekend, when it was left to NF members and a Polish national to fight their way out of town for them. What the dubious Italian Francesco Saverio Fontana thought of the group is not known.
Italian anti-fascists have exposed Fontana as having been a member of the nazi Right Sector and having served in the infamous Azov Battalion – a volunteer paramilitary group of nazis – armed by Ukraine’s interior ministry and fighting as part of the National Guard of Ukraine for the EU/US/NATO-backed government regime in Kiev.
He is now back in Italy where, as leading member of the violent nazi gang, Casapound, he has resumed activity.
The word among the brethren in London is that by the time the NF get to their “White Power” gig in Oldham after the rally, the car load of aged C18 activists travelling up from London may arrive in time to settle some scores with a certain Oldham motor-mouth who has been “gobbing off” about the Nazi Janitor among their number.
One person who doesn’t look like making it to Manchester is Peter “Sid” Williamson. Williamson is only just about tolerated in the National Front these days and he has been desperately trying to find someone to let him sleep on their couch the night before the big event. Sadly, Williamson is notorious for wetting the couch or bed of his host-hence his sobriquet, the “Saltdean Sofasoaker”. You can read even more about his nocturnal nastiness, here.
Staying in Manchester, local boy wonder Jack Renshaw has decided he will not be standing in the next round of elections and it’s also unlikely he’ll be handing back the £50 some moron donated to him. He now says he is throwing his support behind UKIP. That’ll please them, no end.. Maybe he could get a bizarre make over akin to that of our favourite fascist Kevin Layzell, who since leaving the British National Party (BNP) looks like a cross between Molly Ringwald and the Red Baron.
Nick Griffin returned from Russia to still no job, no money, no friends and then news that he had lost another employment tribunal-this time to his former friend and comrade of nearly forty years, Patrick Harrington. Harrington has taken to running the BNP into the ground like a duck to water and upon hearing of Griffin’s latest foreign jaunt, wrote that Griffin and Jim Dowson, who also turned up in Russia, are “political prostitutes,” and that “the vast majority of British Nationalists by inviting the participation of these corrupt, discredited individuals”.
Nice work, Pat. If Harrington was annoyed at being left off the guest list for St Petersburg, then Dowson’s former boy child Paul Golding was probably furious. Golding’s little gang of thieves and bullies made themselves busy in Scotland by vandalising a Muslim graveyard.
HOPE not hate exposes the individuals behind the disturbances and their links to far-right organisations and longstanding anti-migrant campaigns. The week of 29 July to…