James Mac: Liverpool’s other race hater
It seems a shame that the great city of Liverpool has suffered by being targeted by some of the most nasty members of the far-right. The British National Party (BNP), had a hit-man running their local branch for a few years before it was handed over to Pete Molloy-who was then driven from the local scene over an unfortunate flag incident, where he’d put the Irish tricolour on the branch banner instead of the flag for Northern Ireland.
Then the nazi drug gang North West Infidels attacked a father and his children in 2013 for no other reason than their political beliefs.
Lately, lovelorn nazi Garron Helm has been the big fish in the pond, locked in his bedroom offering himself up to the Nordic God’s for some kind of nazi Jihad, whilst also writing love letters to his unrequited love interest in the valleys.
Garron Helm: Lovelorn and lonely
Helm was arrested in Newcastle last weekend and has been bailed to appear back in the town on 1st April. Such is life for a fool for love. We expect to be flooded with love letters, hate mail and apologies any day soon..
Liverpool has also been targeted by the ‘Church of Creativity’ a bizarre nazi cult from the United States that sees itself as a religion. Over the last few years, the “church” has suffered all kinds of inner turmoil but surprisingly not related to the fact that the fake religion’s founding father used the religion to procure young boys for himself.
Creator: A danger to children
The person behind the cult in the city is a close friend of Helm’s and a associate of National Action, and goes by the name ‘James Mac’.
His recent leaflets have caused a stir in the city with them being reported to both the police and the CPS.
Given the group’s history in the US and Australia, that the group is recruiting here now should be another cause for concern among parents.