Oxfordshire UKIP Candidate Exposed As Racist Homophobe

01 04 15

UKIP has so far failed to build any real momentum in their election campaign, in fact, the only stories in the media relating to UKIP are bad ones.

Over the weekend, we exposed the UKIP Hendon candidate Jeremy Zeid and his rather bizarre Facebook posting that called for US President Barack Obama to be kidnapped by Israel and put on trial.

The Zeid story has had huge coverage, appearing in most of the UK’s mainstream newspapers, a number of European ones, several Israeli national publications and has even received a passing condemnation from David Cameron on ITV news.

It has been a bad week for UKIP and we are about to make it an awful lot worse.

At the start of the week UKIP opened its first office in the Oxfordshire market town of Abingdon. Staffed by volunteers, the office is to be used as the campaign headquarters for the various candidates in the area.

UKIP’s Oxfordshire parliamentary candidates gathered at the new office along with Diane James MEP for the official opening. One of those present at the low key affair was the UKIP parliamentary candidate for Oxford West & Abingdon, Alan Harris.

Aside from being the parliamentary candidate, Harris is also chairman for the local West Oxford UKIP branch and is considered a rising star within the party.

However, we uncovered racist and homophobic postings on his Facebook page which clearly indicate his unsuitability as a candidate.

Harris appears to have a huge problem with Muslims and Islam. In one posting Harris wrote “A bacon sandwich-a piece of English heritage the fucking Muslims don’t want”.

Another posting attacked the supermarket chain Morrisons for allegedly not selling poppies so as not to offend Muslims.

Another target for Harris’s poison appears to be Romanians & Bulgarians who come to the UK, labelling them as thieves.

Apart from being the rabid racist, Harris is also a homophobe. In one post Harris writes “Why can’t I say in my own bloody country black is still a colour and gay are still queers”.

As if all of this wasn’t enough, just last year Alan Harris shared a story originally posted by the Bolton British National Party.

Alan Harris, yet another racist, homophobic UKIP candidate, finding them is like shooting fish in a barrel.


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