BNP members must have short memories
The British National Party (BNP) still-just about, survives. The BNP survives on luck and the belief that its membership has little or no memory, or brains.
Last year, not long after he had taken control of the party, Adam Walker issued an appeal for £5000 so that the BNP could stand in the Police and Crime Commissioner elections in South Yorkshire. The election came on the back of the disgraceful grooming scandal that rocked Rotherham. Like every fascist gang in the country, the BNP had been active in Rotherham trying to make capital from real people’s misery. The BNP begged and pleaded their members to keep sending them money, loudly telling the world that the cash for this adventure was rolling in. Then, when the nominations closed, there was no BNP candidate!
Now here we are, some six months later, and the BNP has launched another appeal to stand again, this time in Rotherham for the general election. And again, the BNP wants £5000 from its members. It does not cost £5000 to fight a parliamentary seat. In fact, the BNP raised more than enough to stand in Rotherham with their last appeal. It costs just £500 to stand.
Still, someone’s got to make a few quid off of people’s misery, haven’t they?
The campaign for the party in the North West appears to have hit the ground. And died. Twenty days to go and the party has not raised one penny. Oh dear.
The moronic Britain First (BF) and the micro English Defence League (EDL) faced off on Good Friday outside London Central Mosque in Regent’s Park.
It was not a pleasant sight; though it was nice to see Roger Firth back on the front line for the EDL. Firth is currently leading a putsch inside the organisation against the current crop of boozers, brawlers and backstabbers in control of what is left of the gang.
Firth: Wants to clean out the filth in EDL
According to the Belfast Telegraph, there were “hundreds” of BF and EDL supporters there. They even had a video that went someway to prove that was a lie. For the record, there were 52 fascists outside the Mosque, up to three hundred if you include (and why not?) the followers of Anjem Choudary.
The EDL could only muster fifteen or so troops and found themselves pushed around by Britain First. The pic below is not of them confronting Choudary, but in fact, each other.
EDL: Being shunted by Britain First
The EDL fared little better the next day, when 500 police officers escorted fifty of the rabble through Oxford. They still managed to assault a police officer, though.
Later that afternoon, Pegida had a little rally in Whitehall that went off rather badly when Eddie Stampton turned up offering his services to the group as it scattered across Westminster once antifascists turned up to counter protest.
Pegida: People do not like them much..
Stampton ran to the local pub and locked himself in the toilets until such time his paymasters from the Metropolitan Police could launch a rescue mission. It was all in all, a rather poor weekend for fascists. Despite what the Belfast Telegraph and their ilk try and convince you, the far-right in this country remains nasty, not enormous.
Stampton (centre) hid in the toilet