Election fever doesn’t really grip the far-right like it used to. Yes, the British National Party (BNP) had a few healthy years in the previous decade, but these days it further highlights their miserable position.
This Thursday, the nominations will close at 4pm and we will have a fair idea of how bad things are. The BNP has been talking down the party’s election plans as if it was some kind of clever electoral strategy as opposed to the quite obvious almost complete obliteration of their party.
The BNP stood over 300 candidates in the last General Election just five years later the party looks set to have less than a dozen. It’s desperate campaigning strategy began in earnest on the weekend with another potentially enormous con to its few remaining supporters.
The BNP is desperate to stand in Rotherham and the word is that they have secured the signatures required for the nomination and they already have the money. Their main problem is finding a candidate. If the party’s Chairman was to stand, on a ticket of “protecting children” well, that would be an absolute gift to anybody who wanted to go to town on the BNP.
Walker has been leader of the BNP now for nearly a year, yet he is still, to my knowledge, to give one interview to the media. The reason for this frustration is of course, he is desperate to avoid questions about his lifetime ban from teaching. He really has been, almost as good for us as Nick Griffin was.
The English Democrats (remember them?) will probably manage the largest number of candidates on the far-right other than UKIP. We do actually class the EDs as “far-right”, though more often than not, we also class them as weird. And stupid. Last month’s spring conference in York was a real eye opener. But more about that nearer to the election.
It’s unlikely that Britain First will be standing any candidates. Candidates cost money (though not as much as the BNP fib) and money is also what is needed for diet pills and vodka. So it’s a question of where Britain First’s priorities lay. I think you know the answer to that one.
The British Democrats (remember them?) were once tipped to be the next big thing (not by us.) They have limped from one near death experience to another and also one real ale house to another since their inception, but they will definitely have one candidate, maybe two. One candidate definitely standing for them is Jim Lewthwaite. They’re probably planning to dig the other one up.
For the National Front, now just the one party and not the two, this is a big year. Few people can take them seriously as a political threat when much of their energy goes into sniffing glue, dealing drugs and dressing in fancy dress. They would prefer to call themselves National Socialists, but the reality is they are little more than Hollywood Nazis. Nasty ones, mind.
Last year as two sets of neo-nazis fought for control of the party, Kev Bryan, leader of the successful northern faction bemoaned “We already have over 20 prospective candidates that will be contesting the General Election and double that amount for the local elections”. Whether Bryan was telling the truth or not, we will know this Thursday. Like many, he probably did not think the electoral commission would pass the party in to his hands.
If we’re lucky, Liberty GB will brighten things up in a couple of seats for us. But do not expect to see Britain’s true leader of the white race, Joshua Bonehill. Josh has been having issues with the police again.