Times are desperate for the British National Party (BNP), who appear to have welcomed back to the party Tess Culnane, dubbed the ‘Nazi Granny’ because she is a Grandmother and a Nazi.
Culnane has been name as the party’s candidate for Dagenham.
This may well come as a bit of a shock to the National Front (NF) whom Culnane has been associated of late, to the point where she was highly praised by the Boneheaded leadership last year for her work for the party.
Maybe Culnane saw the quality of the NF’s election material before jumping ship?
We’re still waiting to hear whether President-elect Joshua Bonehill is going to stand for election this year. Bonehill apparently spent a great deal of time last night singing along to the soundtrack to Disney’s Mulan and trying to stop my colleague getting on a plane! Most people drive or get the train from Dublin to Belfast, Master Bonehill!
Bonehill has been struggling to start the white revolution of late due to not having the fifteen pence required to phone the police and report HOPE not hate for reporting on his activities.
You can listen to his desperate call here
If that tickles you, you can listen to him having further discussions here