BNP chief’s £22 per vote

Matthew Collins - 08 05 15
Never mind the bullshit, here's Adam

Never mind the bullshit, here’s Adam

There’s rumblings in the British National Party (BNP) this morning about their poor election result in Rotherham.

Although the party (wisely) played down their electoral chances this year, they could not help themselves when it came to trying to cashing in on the misery that has been ongoing in the town.

The BNP demanded £5000 from their members (twice) to fight the seat in a desperate attempt to try and at least get their leader and candidate Adam Walker on television.

Even by the BNP’s low standards, their election materials were ugly, racist and most proably likely to lead to some kind of court action.

In the end, despite Walker trying to convince the membership that he was getting a fabulous reception by local voters, he managed just 225 votes (0.6%), compared to the party’s 3906 (10.4%) at the previous General Election.

If the party did achieve the £5000 they said they needed to fight the seat, it means they paid around £22 per vote.

Up at the head office in Cumbria, where there is already a new factional fight underway, it is rumoured that the party’s membership in the North West are demanding that Walker submits himself to a leadership election-like he was supposed to last year after he was appointed as acting leader of the party.

In one begging email to the party’s membership, it was claimed that the media was “clamouring” to interview the BNP chief.

The only television interview we are actually aware of the BNP actually being granted, was one on the BBC along with other minor parties (like the Communist Party of Britain, who had more candidates than the BNP) and Walker refused to do that interview, in case he was asked about his lifetime ban from teaching.


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