Bryan: This close to saving his deposit
The National Front (NF) is having internal strife, again. Since its formation in 1967, the party has had many, many splits-many of them ideological, but mainly personal.
The group that currently uses the name only secured it from a rival faction at the beginning of the year, and did so having promised the electoral commission that they would function as a proper party and not as just another rag tag bunch of Neanderthal, flag-waving hooligans.
Mrs Mcmahon: Like a white Delia Smith apparently
One of those promises to the electoral commission was the out and out lie that they would/they could, stand twenty candidates at this year’s general election. They managed just seven instead.
Even standing seven candidates proved troublesome for the party. I did wonder how the party’s Chairman, Kevin Bryan, failed to properly read and understand the instructions given to political parties wanting to make use of the free mail drop at the elections-what with the party having a designated elections officer and all that nonsense.
Despite their troubles, Bryan did manage one of the better election results of fascist candidates, polling a whopping 1% in Rochdale.
With a little more effort, Bryan may have even hit the massive 1.1% in the poll, had he and his fellow NF members done some actual campaigning and not spent their time instead, standing aimlessly in Rochdale town centre antagonising the police and local population who were just trying to go about their daily businesses.
Now it appears that the party leader has wised up to this missing 0.1% from his electoral tally. The weekend before the election, Bryan had instructed his members that they were to actually go leafleting in Rochdale door to door, proper electioneering if you will, on his political behalf.
Kevin McMahon: NF elections guru
Here is where the trouble apparently started. Proper electioneering is anathema to many of the NF’s followers. Standing around shouting “Paki” at shoppers in Rochdale while holding a fag in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other suffices for many in Britain’s oldest nazi party, but the very idea of carrying leaflets from door to door for a few hours is just a ridiculous ask.
Instead, most of the NF’s members went to Coventry instead for a demonstration by another group, the ‘Infidels.’ And this is when you really begin to understand the mentality of those in the NF.
Only four people turned up in Rochdale to leaflet for Bryan, whilst another half a dozen or so NF members (from the North West) went to Coventry. One of the speakers at the ‘Infidels’ demonstration in Coventry and at the enormous piss-up afterwards, was none other than the NF’s elections officer, Kevin McMahon. McMahon went to Coventry to speak because, he claims, he made a promise last year that he would do so. Despite him being tasked with running the NF’s elections, he had obviously made no note in his diary that the party may be busy in May the next year!
It never even crossed his mind. And, even when Bryan demanded McMahon fulfil his party duties, there was no way a piss up was going to be shelved in favour of hard work. So off he toddled because, as he claims, his word is his honour.
The troops get behind their klan
The row started on 2nd May, but since the actual results came in, the NF has been properly at war with themselves. It’s a common theme; tears, tantrums, threats, wailing endlessly on social media that lives are being ruined, more threats, the leaking of secrets and the biggest slight of all; unfriending on Facebook.
McMahon’s wife has taken it all very badly. Her and her husband are stumped up in doors crying their Aryan hearts out that they are being chastised by the NF leadership. Her husband, is “sickened and annoyed” by the whole affair. Well, what would you expect? McMahon is accusing the rest of the party leadership of “treachery and disloyalty” which is a bit rich, given they had ten thousand leaflets and it was McMahon who pissed off to Coventry for a knees up instead of helping to deliver them!
Jock Shearer: Naughty, not nice
News that the McMahons’ are upset has caused somewhat of a rumble. Debbie is most famous for her buffets in white man’s circles; Aryan sausage rolls, egg sandwiches, sausages on sticks with little union jacks pinned to them and samosas- cooked with a white man’s recipe, of course.
Jock Shearer, former BNP hard man and recent NF convert, has come out on their side, too. He’s threatening to shove his membership card into the mouth of Bryan. Also on their side is another notorious former C18 man, Ade Brooks, who sums up the prevailing attitude to elections.
Brooks: Beer before ballots everytime
For Bryan, well, he has former BNP idiot Darren “Daz” Lumb, who caused most of the trouble, in his corner. Lumb has been busy poncing cigarettes and money over the phone while drumming up support for his leader. He also has some less than pleasant things to say about the activities of a certain couple from West Yorkshire who are behind the Redwatch website. Turning into a puritan in your old age, Daz?
I think that best sums up which side will prevail in this fight.
Team Bryan on election night