Dowson: Sue God, sue everyone
Reports today that former British National Party (BNP) owner and Britain First founder Jim Dowson has been busy with his legal team.
No stranger to law courts himself, Dowson has apparently sent legal letters to both Facebook and PayPal threatening them with legal action over restraint of trade and bullying.
The action against PayPal appears to be the claim that Dowson’s company Lionheart Products GB was selling Nazi memorabilia when PayPal suspended its account. Dowson and Lionheart Products GB contend that not only was Dowson not selling Nazi memorabilia, a law applicable to Northern Ireland only, says that he is allowed to do so-even if he wasn’t, as that was agreed under the Good Friday Agreement about people’s personal, political and religious beliefs.
Against Facebook, Dowson is claiming that Facebook has allowed him to be bullied, besmirched and has removed links to his businesses based on malicious and anonymous reporting of pages he “owned” to promote his political and business interests.
I’m told that Dowson is asking in his letter to Facebook for those who have led campaigns against he or his businesses/interests to be named to him so that he can take further, civil action against previously unnamed individuals. He is citing Huntingdon Life Science’s previous cases as a reference for his own actions.
Again, Dowson is using laws applicable to Northern Ireland to attempt to potentially turn his case against Facebook into a criminal matter. To do so, he will have to make an allegation of criminality to the Police Service Northern Ireland (PSNI), and the police ombudsman.
Interestingly, Dowson has registered his business in the UK and Republic of Ireland. In Dublin, they are registered just a stone’s throw away from the Sinn Fein office!
How Dowson will fair in his latest legal challenges, I’m not entirely sure. I’ll tip my hat to him however; it’s not as if he has never engaged in bullying, intimidation or violence against anyone during his life.
Surely asking for Facebook to hand over details for “civil action” is in itself, further intimidation from Dowson.
It would appear he has also now stopped selling Britain First products on his online shop.
I’m sure that’ll be a great help in his legal challenges. Not. I’ll update when the magic fairies have delivered the relevant paperwork..
Meanwhile the links to the laws are here if anyone wants to take a legal opinion of their own: