NF feud turns violent

Matthew Collins - 05 07 15
Biggs: Took MacMahon from behind

Biggs: Took MacMahon from behind

The National Front (NF) appear to still be feuding post-election and things turned very nasty in Stockton yesterday when Simon Biggs, an infamous nazi, burglar and Shoplifter who moved to Newcastle from Kent a few years ago, decided to attack Kevin and Debbie McMahon from Manchester who were attending a rally held by the North West Infidels drug gang.

Kevin McMahon and Biggs are two of the most senior members in the National Front, whilst Debbie MacMahon is considered to be the “white Delia Smith” by many in the party, for her legendary Aryan buffets.

Debbie McMahon: Got her goat

Debbie McMahon: Got her goat

Biggs, who is the head of the NF’s security team and Newcastle organiser, hit Kevin McMahon from behind before then attacking Mrs McMahon. You’ll be unsurprised to hear there were twenty odd nazis stood around while the assault was happening and they did nothing to stop it.

McMahon: Didn't see it coming

McMahon: Didn’t see it coming

A group of nazis from Manchester and Blackburn are now planning to travel today to Newcastle and exact revenge on Biggs. Apparently they need not bother to travel, as Biggs is said to be traveling down to Heywood to have another go after McMahon last night threatened to have Biggs murdered.

Biggs has a few friends in the Greater Manchester area too, but we’re not sure what part in the assault the party Chairman Kevin Bryant played.

Normally in the NF, you have to get permission before battering another member or their wife.

Bryan is thought to still be at war with the McMahon’s over their no-show in his election campaign.

They give birth differently in the NF

They give birth differently in the NF


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