They had promised a race war if they were not allowed their march. And they were angry. Yes, the Nazis of National Action believed they were some kind of immovable force that could only be stopped by bullets.
They bragged this morning that their march would create history- that people would remember for years the time they marched in Liverpool. The arrogance of misspent youth, I guess. Because yes, it will be remembered, but only because they were defeated. They were chased out of town like a disease, but only after the police had locked them in Lime Street station’s luggage department as abuse rained down on them for a few hours.
Their leaders hid, but all of the other big names were there. Kevin Watmough was there. He’s the coward who publishes the details of Trade Unionists for other cowards to attack He was drenched in water.
Kevin Layzell, the London based coward was there too. He was later arrested in Wigan with some Polish Nazis for vandalising a parking machine!
Jack ‘the Jew Hater’ Renshaw was there, of course. He woke up this morning full of his usual bile, claiming that the antifascist cry of “No Pasaran!” was about to be dumped into some kind of Nazi dustbin. He was later shut inside Lime Street train station where he hid behind the bigger boys, crying his little eyes out.
And then there was Wayne Jarvie, another one who calls for Jews to be murdered. He spent his day spitting at people before slipping on a banana. As did Nazi drug dealer Shane Calvert from the North West Infidels. There were bananas everywhere.. So many bananas that National Action’s leaders even dropped a note book containing their speeches. Their speeches were about Jews, obviously. They had planned their day brilliantly, these Nazis, and their planned choreography is commendable. However, they did not have an escape route planned-just pages and pages of infantile Nazi bile that they had spent hours preparing. It has now been liberated. Maybe Miss Duffy will correct the grammar and return it to them later.
Less than 100 of these great white ‘men’ turned up in the end. Opposing them were over 2,000 men and women from across not just Liverpool, but indeed the whole country. They were brilliantly marshalled, humorous, courageous and disciplined. They conceded not one inch of Liverpool to the fascists.
The Nazis were locked in lost luggage.
It did not take bullets to defeat these Jew hating thugs, it took good men and women.