Dowson: A pig in muck
It seems that not a day goes past without Britain First getting themselves some sort of overblown publicity. One internet news source is so obsessed by every break of Golding’s wind that they immediately blog and publish it. Yes, Paul could not even buy that sort of publicity and the old mantra used by the far-right is that there is no such thing as bad publicity.
Said news source is this morning desperately trying to find an address for Golding but obviously has no idea how to check for it other than asking internet based campaigners. Such is life, but yes, the prospective London Mayoral candidate does not live in London. That should be major news by lunch time, even if they don’t actually know where Swanley is.
More interesting is Golding’s old mate and Britain First’s founder, Jim Dowson. It appears that Jim has abandoned not just Britain First but also, it seems, Britain for the moment.
For the past month Dowson has been in Hungary admiring their new wall and shaking hands with anyone willing to take his clammy palm or shilling.
Yesterday, Dowson was in the Hungarian parliament as a guest of Jobbik, the uniformed pornographers of Hungary’s far-right, who have been sending their members out to clash with refugees.
Dowson has been up and down the country meeting all of the right right-wing people, including controversial Mayors, members of churches and a host of hate gangs and militant militia-style groups, who have self-declared themselves ‘protectors’ of Hungary’s borders.
Last week our correspondent there bumped into Dowson and since then, we have also discovered that Dowson appears to now be the proud owner of some property in rural Hungary. Oh yes, and he also learned that Dowson is not a very friendly chap when walking around in sandals, shorts and waistcoat. (More on that later)
Dowson likes nothing more than new friends and we have mentioned a number of times of late that Dowson has also found a love for all things Polish.
So, one Pole our Papal-busting, gay hating old chum has taken a sudden liking to is Polish doctor Bogdan Chazan, whose exploits you can read about here.
Dowson & Chazan: Neither has a womb
Last Saturday at a very plush hotel in central Budapest, Chazan was the recipient of an award from ‘Hungarian Life’ an anti-abortion group. Dowson, stepped from the shadows himself to present the award on their behalf as the President of ‘New European Family Forum’.
The new European family is of course, white, Christian and very, very right wing. Wherever there is hatred, wherever there is despair, we need not fear. Jim Dowson will always be there.
Dowson & Chazan: Neither has a womb