Gary Raikes is one of the funnier folk of the far right, a fascist who really loves a man in a uniform.
The one-time BNP organiser and one-of-many erstwhile far right unity candidates is now aiming to lead his New British Union (NBU), a gang of uniformed chimps, to apparent democratic glory in Scotland. It’s from here where he’s plotting a glorious if not slightly weird, fascist revolution.
This cunning plan was set in motion earlier this year when Raikes announced that the NBU was set to “implement total Aryanism to end the threat of terrorism and anarchy”. This would begin in his now native Elgin through infiltration of community groups which would see the Moray capital becoming known as Citadel 1 under the Great Leader’s future reign .
Dubbed by Raikes as the “Quiet Revolution” this daring plot has been going quite, quite brilliantly. Recent visitors will have noted that the Aryans are definitely winning, with the Scottish town now 83.64% White Scottish and 13.57% White British. Just as it was in the pre-revolution era.
With the model clearly proven Raikes is now set to roll it out across the country, announcing that the teeming hordes of fascists he leads must now stand in November’s Scottish Community Council elections. With “no ballot, no campaigning” it is indeed an attractive vehicle for a party with few members, fewer supporters and a campaign kitty so valuable it’s stored down the back of Gary’s settee.
As our screenshot demonstrates, the loyal NBU footsoldiers have swiftly responded with a massive one Facebook follower liking the party’s rallying call. Whilst we don’t wish to undermine this impressive start, in the interests of transparency it should be noted that Kevin’s Facebook profile is full of pictures and posts that only he likes. He also appears to live in America. But remember, from little acorns do mighty Aryan oaks grow.
So with Kevin unable to stand for geographical reasons responsibility must surely now fall upon the NBU’s Scottish membership? That’ll be Mrs Raikes and her Hitler-licking hairdresser friend Jodie Muncie, who, by virtue of being the other NBU member in Scotland, is NBU National Officer for Scotland. Jodie, who also trades as Patricia Crosbie, is one of those people newspapers might coyly refer to as being “known to the police”. HOPE not hate wrote about her activities back in 2013-there’s been little improvement.
Muncie is an ideal choice to lead the Quiet Revolution in her home town of Sanquhar, Dumfriesshire. She does not get out much, in fact her first oouting for some months was in Liverpool recently at the infamous Liverpool “White Man March” aka The Battle of Lime Street. It proved particularly unfortunate for Muncie and her companion who never even made it to join the other idiots in the left luggage office as they were showered with milk by locals and hastily escorted out of the city by Her Majesty’s finest.