Bad Romance

Matthew Collins - 13 10 15
Royston with girlfriend and friends

Royston with girlfriend and friends

Well, how silly did we feel on Sunday night when we read that Sheffield’s very own Mr Loverman was cuddled up on the couch with the woman of his dreams again?

On Friday we blogged how Andy Rosyton was mourning the breakdown of his realtionship. I can’t actually be bothered finding the posts he made on Facebook. They were sad.

Back in Love on Sunday night

Back in Love on Sunday night

But come Sunday night, after a tiny EDL rally in Aylesbury on the weekend and an EDL member later being hospitalised in Birmingham by a Muslim man who the gang had tried to abuse, Royston was back on his couch and loved up the max.

And then, tonight, we are back to this.

Like a boy without his sweeties

Like a boy without his sweeties


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