Mrs Mcmahon: Like a white Delia Smith apparently
One has to wonder if a foodbank dedicated to serving all in need regardless of race, faith, gender, sexual orientation and nationality would want a renowned racist and homophobe manning the decks. On the balance of probabilities, we think not.
We’d best give the heads up then to whichever foodbank in Middleton, Rochdale, has accepted as a volunteer the National Front’s rabble-rouser and cook, Debbie ‘White Delia Smith’ McMahon.
This was no doubt done unwittingly as she’s clearly unsuited to a role serving the community, despite her reputation as the far right’s Delia Smith, a woman who conjures up a veritable smorgasbord of culinary treats armed only with the entire contents of the local ASDA’s chiller cabinet.
McMahon, who lives with gawjus hubby Kevin, a man whose intellect is inversely proportional to his girth, reports on her ever entertaining Facebook feed, that she was knackered just at thought of turning in a few hours volunteering.
The usual gang of racists
She also jokingly pledged food parcels to Peter Hawley, the grey-haired North West Infidel who served time for a violent and not terrifically brave gang attack in Liverpool. Among those jailed alongside the ageing Adidas-adoring thug were fellow Infidels Shane Calvert, Stephen Dumont and the bravest of the bunch, Liam Pinkham, who also has a conviction for harassing women shopworkers. All do or have associated with the McMahons’, being spotted at such prestigious events as Manchester’s ‘White Pride World Wide Day’ which pulled in patriots from as far across the globe as Salford and West Yorkshire.
It has to be wondered if in her new role Debs will, without fear or favour, distribute food to those in the community she professes to loathe. These include people who are, you know, not white, Muslims, Jews, gays, the hormonal young men of National Action, er, other female members of the NF and, er other male members of the NF.
Community foodbanks do great work, acting less as charity and more in solidarity when supporting the many people left hungry by the ravages of austerity, the benefit cuts and sanctions. The people who volunteer at Foodbanks are decent, kind and trustworthy people. It would not be inkeeping if one of the volunteers was to use their position to perhaps, take advantage of a person who is struggling and may be through no fault of their own, vulnerable to the sort of racist nonsense McMahon is famous for.
Foodbanks are fastly becoming part of working class communities feeling the vicious pinch of cuts and cuts to welfare. Deb McMahon does not believe in that community, but in white supremacy. She is ill-suited to the role.
One of McMahon’s white man’s buffets for the NF