Is this Britain’s sickest Nazi?

Matthew Collins - 22 10 15
Wright: Sick fantasies

Wright: Sick fantasies

Meet David Wright from Barnsley in South Yorkshire. He runs the ‘Yorkshire Infidels’ a tiny gang of wannabe Nazis who spend most of their time in the pub and on Facebook promising to do all kinds of things to little kids.

This morning, David posted a beheading video on the group’s facebook page. It was gruesome. Even his other nazi mates were horrified by it. When asked why he had posted it, he replied that he “likewatching (sic) head getting chopped off.”

Sick: Wright loves beheading videos

Sick: Wright loves beheading videos

Obviously he is having a right day of it, as tonight he says he is planning to go on some kind of rape and murder spree in Bradford, I assume when the English Defence League crawl into town next month.



Worrall joins the fantasy

Worrall joins the fantasy

Wanting to join Wright is serial far-right wally Carl Worrall from the Isle of Wight (via Liverpool) who has quite a history of violence and public stupidity. Worrall is keen to go on this murder/mayhem spree, and where better does he think it is better to stay, than at the heartbreak hotel that is the home of Andy ‘Loverman’ Royston, whose views on women has been mentioned here only last week.

By the way, Wright claims he is a Christian. Nice eh?

Carl Worrall: Another violent Nazi

Carl Worrall: Another violent Nazi


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