A sausage roll: Symbol of Sharia etc, etc
We often mention the British National Party (BNP) splinter group British Voice. The tiny gang of dafties are so daft that even Nick Griffin did not want to be a member-and he formed the group!
British Voice: May need to scream to be heard
Of late the ‘party’ has been divided over arguments about who ‘allegedly’ pocketed the £93.60 from their bank account.
Despite the misery of poverty and stupidity, the party has bravely soldiered on in the belief they are on the cusp of a major political break-through.
Yesterday, Martin Vaughan, who holds almost every post in the party except leader or treasurer, fired the first shot in the revolution.
Crumbs: Quiver in your apron Mr Gregg
Due to the Islamic take over of Britain, Martin will no longer be eating sausage rolls from Greggs Bakery.
I’m pretty certain that as I write, the CEO is trying to flog his holiday home on EBay knowing that Martin and his hungry colleagues will be going elsewhere in their search for suitable Aryan savouries.
An army marches on its stomach, etc, etc.
Vaughan: Will not eat all the pies