Jack Sen: handsome devil and charmless man
There’s been a few rumblings of late about another split in the British National Party (BNP). What is left worth even splitting about is up for debate, but it spilled out into the open last night with an attack from the London Organiser of the party on the party’s website manager, Chris Barnett.
In the last fortnight the party has parted company with a number of organisers. Some of them have been forced out, while others have quit in disgust at the way the party has (predictably) become the personal banker of a number of people with little or no work record who now run the party. And then there is of course, the unfolding police investigation into tragic events which unsurprisingly, the BNP is desperate to distance itself from.
The leader of one of the splinter groups appears to be Jack Sen. It was only in May of this year that the party was delighted to announce they had recruited the controversial former UKIP candidate.
Now Sen has left the party, assured of his own supreme brilliance, and has launched a new gang of Jew haters. This is the gang behind the invitation to the American fascist due to arrive here next month.
Sen has issued a statement to the few people still involved with the BNP and he appears to take great issue too, with Chris Barnett.
Sen has left: Feel the width, not the quality
This is a major embarrassment to the party leadership who had previously donned unfashionable attire to welcome Sen to the party.
On the face of it, it appears that Sen has ripped an enormous hole in the party, taking with him one cash-cow who even stayed with the party when Nick Griffin was dumped.
Happier Times: Two tramps welcoming Sen to the party
Sen has cited what appears to be a Zionist conspiracy as one of the reasons for his departure. How very original. Judging by his Facebook page, I’d say he is probably a narcissist.
No doubt next week someone will write an article convincing us that the far-right in this is country is growing.
Sen: Changes his mind quickly