The National Front (NF) marched to the cenotaph this afternoon in their usual display of admiration for defeated Nazis of the Second World War, or as the NF prefers to describe them, “brothers.”
In the run up to the march there had been some threats of violence between the National Front and the faction they defeated for use of the party’s name earlier this year.
The defeated faction now goes by the name “New Dawn” and is led on the streets by police grass, woman beater and drug dealer Eddie Stampton. Stampton had been selling rather dodgy poppy badges to fund his big day out. Initially we thought the “14” was to signify the magical nazi code the “14 Words”. In turns out to be more likely the number of members his group has.
The National Front managed only eighty on their march, whilst Stampton’s “New Dawn” who marched off ten minutes later, managed around a dozen marchers.
Among those on the National Front’s march was Paul Prodromou the in-denial Greek Cypriot, who leads the tiny South East Alliance. Prodromou, who prefers to be known as Pitt, is desperate to secure himself a spot in the leadership of the NF. To impress them, he runs regular trips to Dover for him and five friends to try and start fights with anyone he does not like the look of. He does more damage to the English language every time he opens his mouth than anybody suffering in tents in Calais would ever even dream of. Prodromou prefixes every utterance he makes with the word “fuck”. He’ll do well in the NF.
It didn’t take long for a clearly “distressed” (that’s me being polite and not saying “high as a kite”) Stampton to launch an attack on the NF contingent and an all out brawl ensued.
Despite being a self-declared man of terror and hard man, Stampton’s friend Mark Atkinson, of the Racial Volunteer Force, refused to join in.
The NF attacked a number of photographers along the route of their march. Isn’t it surprising how these proud nazis do not like their pictures being taken?
Surprise of the afternoon? Another self-confessed police grass, Kevin Layzell, appeared with both groups. That is what a good police grass does. Stampton failed to materialise after his drug high obviously subsided.
The bulk of Stampton’s dirty dozen was made up of Polish nazis who are banned from the NF march after one of them lit a flare a couple of years ago that led to the party Chairman choking and soiling himself whilst miming the words to the Lord’s prayer.