Hesketh: He’s a rum lad
It’s been a while since I did one of these- and what with Eddie Stampton threatening to attack me with his cucumber recently, I thought it was time I pulled my finger out and got on with it.
Stampton: Cucumber gets ready
Firstly, just as they were doing so well, the National Front has appointed their Scottish leader as national Chairman. I believe they call that ‘reverse psychology’ in some circles. The whisper is that the appointment is only until such a time Kevin Bryan feels he can come and take the party back over. It has been met with some considerable disharmony within party ranks (in Heywood particularly), because even if he is white, British and a nazi, the new Chairman is Scottish after all.
No such problems over in Britain First (BF). There were absolutely no candidates whatsoever for the top jobs in that party at their recent conference. Even considering standing would see you expelled. There was disharmony however over their South East activists not making it to conference last weekend. Leader Paul Golding could have done with Steve Lewis staying awake and providing some support, but poor old Steve and a few others were left stranded after their Thanet based transport failed to materialise. The person responsible has been expelled from the group. He blames the Japanese for the mix up. As you do.
Needless to say, it was a rum old do in the country. Jim Dowson flexed his biblical muscle against gays and abortion, fearing his considerable investment in paramilitary bin-liners was being pissed away by the heretics in the group. Dowson has recently been splashing the cash in Poland and Hungary and is by all accounts about to make a trip to Crimea next month to, of all things, look into opening an orphanage and a restaurant! Dowson has instructed Britain First that to keep receiving his goodwill, they have to stop boozing and brawling and embrace the bible harder. Although this appears to be no problem for Golding (who can manage both perfectly) some in the group are pushing Golding and Fransen to dump Dowson. It appears from the whispers on conference floor, that Dowson is considerably out of step with the anti-Muslim hatred and racist sentiment within the group. Dowson’s vision for Britain appears to be not too dissimilar from that of Anjem Choudary, whilst some in the group believe they are somehow there in defence of liberal values.
What is quite clear, is that with the complete collapse of the English Defence League (EDL) Britain First is the port of call for those still walking and not interested in walking into the drug den that is the rival camps of the NF and the Infidels. Avoiding Nazism they may be attempting, but it is endless grief they are causing to Dowson and Golding.
But I guess that grief is nothing to the endless grief caused by Wayne Knight of EDL super-stupid fame. He’s been slapped down again by our friends at EDL News. That silly boy really is like a bad smell. The society of bad smells probably want him thrown out!
Wayne: Owned by an adult this time..
Anyway, back to Britain First’s problems. All of the behind the scene arguments appear to be giving Golding-who stormed around the hotel for two days in an enormous strop-somewhat of headache. What is not going down too well either, is the suggestion that BF dump him in favour of a woman (Fransen), which some feel would give the party a less harsh image (unless one has actually heard her speak!) Golding was horrified when it was privately suggested that he become President instead of Chairman. That’s what the British National Party (BNP) offered Nick Griffin before shunting him off!
As well as our person at the conference, one internet news provider sent along someone obviously not schooled in the art of sitting quietly and undetected. This was not a wise move and how very lucky they are that they are not this morning picking him up from hospital after Britain First discovered him sitting cross legged and tapping away in the middle of their conference. People will get seriously hurt if they think this is just a bit of fun.
Pope: it took just seconds…
One person suffering from the fall-out and collapse of the EDL and all of that was aligned to it is Matt Pope, who laughingly thought he was the leader of Pegida UK. Pope has now discovered that he has been shafted and former EDL supremo Stephen Lennon has anointed himself leader of the group. Pope is shattered to learn of this betrayal. He really is as daft as he looks. Now, if he can just prove he is white enough, Jez Turner will welcome him into the out-and-out nazi movement. That really is all it takes to further ‘radicalise’ idiots on the British far-right.
Silly, silly sausage..
One radicalised idiot is David Hesketh. Hesketh was arrested in Bradford last weekend and subsequently prohibited from attending all further EDL demonstrations whilst on bail. Hesketh thinks this means he can go to the Infidels rally in Anglesey this weekend instead. David, that would not be a smart move…
Hesketh: He’s a rum lad
The tiny nazi splinter group British Voice are a laugh a minute. Who can forget their issue with Halal sausage rolls? The thirty members in the group (set up to honour their fallen Fuhrer Nick Griffin) are currently in dispute as to where their £97 in party funds went.
Now it seems they are having two party conferences this weekend. The very naughty Martin Vaughan has been emailing and phoning the entire media concerned with Merseyside telling them that the rival faction, led by Mike Whitby, are meeting in St Helens.
And finally, you may have read about a certain young man from Todmorden in Yorkshire writing about how excited he was about the terror attacks in Paris and how he hoped it would soon happen in Manchester? You shouldn’t be surprised to hear that he is not a young Muslim but is in fact, well, I guess you will know the rest….
Oh yes, the BNP splits again..