British Voice: Bad eggs (and sausage rolls)
The whole world now knows that the English Defence League (EDL) is a spent force. Five years of getting pissed in car-parks has quite surprisingly failed to stop Islamist terror attacks. Hundreds of arrests, broken bones, dodgy insurance claims, prison sentences and pictures of David Bolton’s flaccid winkle have failed.
It’s only been a year since Hernia Bay’s Davey Russell, a pirate radio DJ and shouty moron launched an audacious bid to become leader of the group.
Russell: Your safety in his hands!!
Like the rest of the weekend warriors, piss pots and pathetic, plastic patriots, Russell is as washed up now as he was then.
Still, silly Davey is not finished just yet. He is telling the world that he has advanced knowledge of an Islamist terror attack on Birmingham on December 12th. I say telling the world, it’s mainly just the wallies who bother to listen to him. Where he got this knowledge from is a mystery. Did Isis call him on their CB radio? Sextext him?
Intel in the hands of an oxymoron
Anyway, there he is at home in his underpants shouting down his computer screen and the silly sod has forgotten to tell the cops of this impending attack! How is he going to fight Islamist terror if he does not tell the counter-terror coppers? I not saying Davey is a rancid little plonker et al, but normally when he gets pulled up for being the moronic half-witted racist liar he is, he blames his kids for the misunderstandings. The number is 999, Davey. Do the decent thing and hand yourself in, you big idiot.
BNP: Small. Smaller. Smallest
Above, there’s a picture from inside yesterday’s BNP conference. It is now as small and imperfectly formed as it is apparently stupid.
The moment it went further pear-shaped
Anyway, me bad etc, etc, etc. British Voice, the tiny nazi splinter group from the BNP had to cancel its conference in St Helens yesterday.
Allegedly it is all my fault. The fall-out from last Thursday’s blog and a subsequent article in the Liverpool Echo got BV’s leader Mike Whitby all hot under the collar about blood libel and he pulled the plug on the shindig.
There’s no love left in the group for one another and it is not just here they are blaming. In no particular order below is a host of unsocial media comments from the proudest white folk on these islands, slagging off other proud white folk.
I guess my work here is done…