We’ve said it a few times, but we’ll say it again. The British National Party’s (BNP) Jew-hating pornographer Steve Squire has a desire to lead the party.
Despite his racism and constant tweetering about the dangers of mixed race couples, Squire has no problem away from running the London region of the BNP, with flogging DVD’s of black men with rather large appendages enjoying the company of white women.
If the BNP puts out one more video of their moronic current leader struggling with being the morbidly monosyllabic, scruffy, thoughtless bore of a leader he is, I’ll certainly be voting for Squire to take over.
The party’s current monthly video updates of do-nothing activities accompanied by Clive Jefferson’s nauseous nasal interruptions could well be replaced under Squire’s leadership by ineloquent snippets of multiracial coitus interruptous.
Squire: begins his campaign against Jefferson
Squire has been trying for some month’s now to get the whole of London BNP behind his leadership. To quell Squire’s sniping against current BNP Deputy Leader Clive Jefferson, the party presented London region with a cheque for £12,000 at their recent conference. The money is supposed to pay for the party’s London Mayoral campaign, but instead, it seems London Region are not playing ball and have simply banked the money until such time as there is an election for the position of Deputy Leader (the position from where Squire feels he can launch his bid for control of the party).
Squire’s own leadership in London has always been rather austere. He once kicked someone out for drinking tap water and bringing their own peanuts to a party meeting.
Just to further muddy and soil the waters, there is the small matter of the promise of £900,000 currently being promised to the party by an aged supporter in Croydon that Squire is desperate to keep away from the leadership.
Molloy: Still battling idiots
As we also predicted last week, Pete Molloy is set to take legal action against the party.
There was some distress over the weekend when the wife of one National Front member ran off and left her poisonous partner and stumped up in a new home of her own. He’ll be hoping she does not turn back to her previous ways, because despite constantly begging her to do so, he wanted to be there when she did.
Debs: The ‘White man’s Delia Smith’
The National Front held their Christmas knees up (despite the lovelorn misery of Santa’s unhelpful elf) at the weekend. As ever, the ‘White Delia Smith’ was on hand with an Aryan banquet. Here’s a little heads up to anyone feeling a little under the weather. That curried goat had a sickened maiden working on it….
Read it and weep, Nazis
The English Defence League (EDL) continue to breathe life into stupidity. I wonder this morning if Davey Russell is feeling stupid? He did warn that there was going to be a terrorist attack based on “intelligence received” over the weekend. Obviously, intelligence of any sort is wasted on the EDL.
Russell: Shameless moron
Russell has been leading a campaign of hatred against former EDL Stephen Lennon (aka Tommy Robinson) since Lennon announced he was re-forming an army of race rioters and that gobby, idiotic morons like Russell were not invited to join up. It seems that Russell has taken to having some kind of on-line fantasy relationship with Lennon, whilst others have just persisted with creating unsubstantiated rumours about Lennon’s past activities and behaviour.
Russell: Has some issues…
Big idiots. The lot of them…