London BNP leader quits

Matthew Collins - 15 12 15
Walker and Squire when they were friends

Walker and Squire when they were friends

Steve Squire has quit as the leader of London British National Party (BNP).

Squire's eloquent departure

Squire’s eloquent departure

This comes just after we blogged yesterday of his battle to be installed as Deputy Chairman by way of an election he felt sure he could win against Clive Jefferson.

Squire cites the BNP’s “cronyism” as one of the reasons for his departure.

BNP London gets into a panic

BNP London gets into a panic

With Squire’s resignation came after another huge windfall of internal BNP discussion documents came into our possession. Just about everyone left in the party admits they are a busted flush. In fact, just a dirty old toilet, to be honest.

It now looks as if the party will struggle to field their candidate in the London Mayoral elections. Everyone is, it seems, certain that the BNP is finished except the party’s leader Adam Walker.

As long as there is money in the bank, he’ll keep flogging this dead horse.

Squire's eloquent departure

Squire’s eloquent departure


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