There’s fighting in the BNP & Griffin is moving to Poland

Matthew Collins - 08 01 16

And it ain’t pretty…

It seems that the BNP’s former star councillor has had enough of the party’s incompetence and has laid into party employee, Chris Barnett. Barnett is the employee that Nick Griffin threatened to slap when he was being kicked out of the party and also the person that Jack Sen and Steve Squire attacked before leaving.

Duffy does love a bit of a drama. Last night she boasted that she had never featured on HOPE not hate, despite being “controversial.” Oh well, I guess we missed one out along the way.

Former BNP chief Nick Griffin has weighed into the argument. Claiming that the party will not be allowed to stand in May as a result of the party’s deregistration from the electoral commission, he writes:

“The ‘mistake’ is in fact a ‘cunning plan’ cooked up by Pat Harrington and Clive Jefferson, to provide the excuse not to stand in the the Greater London Assembly (GLA) elections in May. The move also provides an excuse for not standing in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland at the same time.

This deals with the awkward problem that the party’s remaining loyal activists and officials in London and in the home nations were getting really upset over the refusal of Jefferson & Harrington (puppet Walker just does what he’s told) to release just a small proportion of money that has come in from wills over the last 18 months to contest those elections.”

It’s the first time in nearly forty years that Griffin has not blamed Jews for the far-right’s misfortune.

On a happier note (for all) it is confirmed that Griffin is leaving Britain to live elsewhere. I guess Jim Dowson will be his landlord.

Good riddance

Good riddance




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