I have been admonished by a series of fascists (mainly claiming to be from the United States) for writing that because Jack Sen is part Indian, he would not be able to join many British fascist groups.
I don’t know why this series of supposed Stateside psychopaths are taking the issue up with me, they should take it up with our British fascists. They are, after all, Hitler worshipping nasties. One complainer, ‘Nancy’, tells me that being part Indian makes Sen the “perfect Aryan.” She even quizzed whether I was some kind of “big nosed Jew.” So not the other sort, then?
Unsurprisingly, most of their IP addresses lead back to the north west of England and not Idaho. Has Mrs Sen been at the internet again?
But as Jack Sen is finding out, the problem with fascists and neo-nazis is that they are surprisingly racist. Unless really desperate.
To avoid being the victim of unhinged racists, Sen is pursuing with his own racist far-right group and an autobiography about his whole six months of fascism with the support of those who love him more than their own mothers. Mainly those who will travel for a free meal. This way, Sen can avoid having to pass any kind of membership criteria that any British bonehead has to bar Sen from signing up.
It does seem to have had a quite positive effect on some former British National Party (BNP) members. Mick Braun used to want to spray acid into the faces of Asians; now he has taken to quoting Gandhi!
Sen certainly does have all of the necessary attributes to lead a far-right group; he’s done more approving interviews with himself in the past six months than the great and unlamented John Tyndall managed in some fifty years of Luftwaffe admiring and Lederhosen wearing.
Sen has also built up an impressive if not improbable CV while forcing himself on the far-right. Normally it takes years and years before Liverpool gangland identity and friend to murderers and drug dealers, Joe Owens takes a dislike to you. One look at Sen however, and Owens was on YouTube accusing Sen of being some kind of secret agent. Of course, Owens thinks the whole world is full of MI5/HOPE not hate agents. One also notices whilst listening and watching Owens accusing Sen of being a boil- in- the bag James Bond is that on his impressive self-assembled IKEA bookshelf that Owens uses as a backdrop, Owens has taken to reading biographies of Lavrenty Beria. I doubt very much this is an ideological switch by Owens, but more a case of him brushing up on his skills. Be warned, Sen.
Owens’ detective skills have even been picked up by South African fascists. Sen has been claiming that he was formally involved in the South African far-right. No-one there has ever heard of him and they are sending plenty of quite shoddy evidence to their friends in this country which they claim is proof that Sen is in fact, an agent of the African National Congress (ANC) government. And a Jew. Obviously.
Sen has not taken attacks on him lying down. He had lunch the other day with British (failed) fascist identity Mike Whitby. Whitby’s group British Voice is currently in turmoil over a missing £99. It’s unlikely that Whitby paid for his lunch. Sen has offered to take over the running of fascism on Merseyside and bought what looks like a few dopes who like showing off their aged hairy chests to lunch with him. Among them was John O’Connell from Irish Resistance. I’m prepared to lay a fiver that won’t upset any of our British fascists. Much.
Most worryingly, someone from Sen’s camp has accused the people involved with nazi boy-scout group “Legion” of raping the young men who like to strip down to their underpants and wrestle in the memory of the Fuhrer. This has gone down none-too-well, but I will not be naming the person accused. I would say though, Sen has obviously not been around long enough to realise that those who have been accused are among some of the most violent and dangerous fascists on the far-right in this country. It was probably not a smart move.
Sen has also managed to drive a wedge between Larry Nunn and Jeremy Turner, the two men funding a number of far-right projects via their London discussion groups. Nunn is horrified that Turner has been associating with a “non-white”. Turner will by all accounts, travel anywhere for a free meal. It’s what he does to earn a crust. He’s thought to be closely linked to MI6.
Also on Sen’s CV is the claim that he was the BNP’s “Media Executive.” That will wash well. He was only in the party for two months. Those of us who have seen Tony Bamber conducting his interviews for BNPTV would describe his performances as being more like a cloth-clapped impersonation of Rigsby meets Norman Wisdom and the idea of anything about the BNP’s media even being worthy of executive, reminds me of the time Alan Mullery went to Rome to sign the Pope.
Whatever is happening, these are interesting times (for us) and dangerous times (for them). Divisions and disruptions like this, do not come for free.