Dismal demo and designs on door decorating demonstrate Dyson sucks

Matthew Collins - 21 01 16
Dyson: an intellectual vacuum

Dyson: an intellectual vacuum

Stupidity is pretty much a pre-requisite for membership of any of of the UK’s disparate far right groups, but we must doff our caps in the direction of Middlesbrough EDL and North East Infidel supporter, Lee Dyson.

Last Saturday Dyson organised a demonstration so poorly attended that even the far right themselves admitted it was painfully embarrassing. A pitiful turnout saw just 30 protestors, drawn from across the North East, outnumbered by the local constabulary. In the aftermath the words “demoralising” and “embarrassing” were being bandied about.

Everyone's a critic

Everyone’s a critic

Undaunted Dyson, who is reportedly close to traffic-bothering neo-Nazi drug dealer Warren Faulkner, has announced how he plans to further embarrass himself. This involves today following around workers from Jomast, a sub-contractor to G4S, landlord to local asylum seekers who will be painting over the now infamous red doors it bestows upon its tenants. G4S is taking action after widespread reports that the distinctive doors made asylum seekers’ homes readily identifiable, resulting in them being abused and harassed by people presumably sharing views as ignorant and abhorrent as Dyson’s.

You’re probably one step ahead in guessing what his Baldrick-like cunning plan is. Yes, he says he’s going to paint those doors red again. We very much doubt he will as he’s more full of it than a sewage farm, but should he do so then pal Marc Jacobs plans to make his actions even more pointless. Marc says he’ll be removing the doors.

That cunning plan in full

That cunning plan in full




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