This weekend we have a real smorgasbord of racial hatred. There’ll be glue sniffing and nazi saluting down in Dover, tight pants and a Teutonic time machine in Bristol and aged and incontinent Nazism in London (in the guise of the London Forum.)
Up in Dewsbury the Godless and cross Christians of Britain First will be holding crosses and marching into what they hope is some kind of biblical oblivion. I’m not sure whether they burn those crosses of theirs after such an exciting outing, but I would not be surprised.
If you’re a Jew or Muslim hater or both, Britain this weekend will be the place to be. But just do not expect many people to be there; there really is not very many of them. And they certainly do not like each other very much.
Unity: They’re having a laugh..
The English Defence League (EDL) have an empty diary this weekend but rather than sit and twiddle their shared thumb their few remaining members have choice of whether to go nazi (Dover) or fascist (Dewsbury) for their hate fix. No-one is planning on going to Bristol.
One EDL eejit going to Dover is EDL big mouth Davey Russell, he with the kinky fantasy about EDL founder Stephen Lennon. EDL News recently put together a ‘best of’ video compilation of his speeches..
Other eejits out and about on the day include short-lived Pegida Leader Tim Scott who has decided to now throw is inconsiderable intellect behind anything that does not require great thought.
But in among all of this hatred, there is now sadness and bitterness. Somebody has become the victim of their own racist friends. Yes, Jack Sen, the Indian nazi collaborator with the helpful wife.
Jack Sen: Erm, not a lot more to say..
His proposed visit to London to impress and hoodwink the London Forum with mythical tales of his brilliance has been cut by the organisers’ because they have just discovered he is not white enough to address them. In Sen’s own words he has been described as “a quarter wog lunatic” by Jez Turner, who Sen in return accuses of being a “cop” and a “state agent”.
All of the above is probably true. It was likely that the British and Russian security services were going to trade minor blows at some stage, but in the dark recesses of the British far-right? Oh well..
Sen: We warned he was not white enough
Sen is understandably furious that he has been banned from the London Forum’s top table and has taken to capturing (in the third person) the entire warts and all about this racist outrage. Sadly for Sen, his third person makes the same spelling mistakes that he does. As well as taking Jez Turner to task for being an employee of the state’s security services, Sen has also taken to task a number of others for their racism towards him. He now accuses the same people of racism that he previously accused of paedophilia. I’m sure they are far more comfortable with that tag. Either way, it won’t end well for him..
Turner: London Forum boss
To keep up the theme of horrible nazis being racist to each other, spare a thought for our old friend David Jones. Jones has fallen out with the National Front because they have taken exception to a relationship he had with a non-white women. Jones, a village idiot of the highest order, is outraged to fall victim to racism.
No one had a problem with him banging his step-mother though, did they?
Jones: Victim of nazi racism!