Every year, National Action produces an annual report. It’s what polite people do; how many pencils they bought, how many toilet rolls they went through and most importantly, how many of them were put on the arses at Liverpool Lime Street Station.
No other group on the British far-right produces such a thing. There are two main reason why; they don’t need to, and also, they are incapable of doing so.
National Action produces its report rather in the same way children at a Kindergarten mind their pretend corner shop and rob the cash register of its Monopoly money- because children like to pretend they are engaging in adult behaviour.
In the case of National Action, they want people to believe that they believe they are the cutting edge of a movement that will one day grab power in this country and grab it violently. They used to portray themselves as the intellectual and youthful cutting- edge of the British far-right- not a particularly difficult task given the competition, but in reality it is only angry and childish words they spout with nothing like an ideology or a coherent sentence to format it. Even the rest of the far-right could see that. So now, they are “brutes”, but not even very cutting edge ones at that.
Their “leader”, Ben Raymond, locks himself in his bedroom just after Christmas to write the report and scours the internet for the long and dangerous words of others to put into sentences of his own. He has previously compared himself to Pol Pot, whose main distinction other than genocide was that like Raymond, he was incapable of understanding all of the books he claimed to have read on his bookshelves. He eventually did away with books.
This year’s report boasts that National Action (NA) became last year a “serious organisation” that lived up to the previous year’s “promised reign of terror”. This rather bizarre claim is concluded with “this only offers a tantalising glimpse of what is to come.”
Raymond probably spilled a whole cup of Ribena over his Jazz magazine as he wrote that excitedly, because what follows (over 35 more tiresome pages) are the rants of a ‘Citizen Smith’ style Nazi who never did much else than travel around Europe on the alleged pay roll of the British Security Services. Oh, and sit cross-legged and looking camp on the beach at Bognor Regis in an interview with the BBC looking like he has never kissed a girl.
Some parts of the report actually read as if Pol Pot wrote it himself in broken English, and yes, Raymond has to admit that most of the fighting by fascists last year was done in fact, by the North West Infidels, who despite Raymond and NA hating passionately and enviously for their ubiquitous ways, relegated NA to a mere side-show of flag-waving wannabes with big boots, big gobs, colourful tongues and flags.
Then there is the repetition. Feel the width, not the quality of life in NA. National Action is apparently the “Vanguard of the movement”, not only is this not true (certainly not in the case of antifascists) they are not entirely part of the “movement.”
NA believes it is fighting a race-war (or wants to convince people it believes it is) but there is in fact, outside of the pages of the Daily Mail, not actually a race war going on. And if there was, National Action would not lead it- it would not even be part of it. They have not even fought their way, literally or in terms of reputation, out of the left luggage in Lime Street yet.
However, with so many neo-nazis and fascists in this country being below the stupid watermark, Raymond feels he can pursue his below- par revolutionary and intellectual dysentery without a worry in the world. No one is going to read it, are they? And at the end of the day, all NA is chasing is Britain First’s relentless column inches in the Huffington Post.
In terms of reputation the pimply fascists are still held hostage to their big mouths in the run up to that day in Liverpool and their cowardly actions on it. Again, Raymond does not seem to understand or comprehend, let alone believe what he has written. He can keep writing all he wants about being the Vanguard or cutting edge of Britain’s intellectually challenged, but he does not appear to know what that should entail. You can keep calling yourself the “vanguard” but when he was sitting cross-legged on the beach putting another nail in the juvenile dreams of his small band of bedwetting followers, you more than certainly got the impression it was flags. And graphics. And that’s it. Oh yes, and GCSE propaganda.
Not that there’s anything wrong with propaganda. We all do it. But sometimes it is simply bullshit. Their martial arts “expert” by all accounts told their conference in Leeds that British people had lost their “martial spirit” over the past twenty years. Twenty years? Youth also belies their stupidity. Next we’ll be hearing how they want Britain to be like the place it was when they were kids in 1997.
On their great failure in Liverpool- the biggest disaster to befall any far-right group in Britain for over twenty years, Raymond claims NA were not run out of town. As a propagandist who believes a whole nation laughing at your followers covered in egg, milk, bananas and tears is a good thing, gives an insight as to where Raymond was hiding that day. Raymond further exposes his (and the far-right’s) political illiteracy of the events. HNH did not hold a counter rally elsewhere in the city; we supported wholeheartedly and practically every step that was taken by antifascists inside the station on the day. Our spotters and our intelligence team helped direct vast swathes of antifascists to block NA that day. Pay attention, Raymond. Even in propaganda you have to know the enemy properly. Perhaps he thinks it was “Cultural Marxists”, whatever they are.
On the issue of Zack Davies, yours truly is given a “sound thrashing” by Raymond. There’s a pattern developing here; Raymond clearly does not understand what he reads or writes. Despite slathering over every column inch the group receives (bar the Huffington Post) he does not grasp anything other than there is some kind of a Marxist conspiracy afoot. We knew the relationship between Davies and National Action. We also know that his point of contact was Terry Andre Miles and that it was he who decided against taking Davies to one of NA’s boy scout adventures. (We also know which NA member has been convicted of a sexual assault on a minor. But more on that later…)
We also know which NA members ran to the police to spill their guts, which ones continue to do so and which ones fell to their knees on their Liverpool doorsteps on Halloween night.
Having dumped Davies for his attempt to murder an Asian dentist in Wales, NA now feel that they should claim him as one of their own, then dump him as a “poser faggot.” It seems hardly fair on Zack Davies, does it now?
In all, the group give themselves a thoroughly dogged thumbs up for a year of nuisance value graffiti and the sexual harassment and stalking of a young woman who once sent a saucy pic of herself from her Iphone to one of them.
Last year there was no race-war; there will not be this year either. This year, like last year will see more hiding behind flags and shite artwork in the great fight for white survival.
National Action is only dangerous because of folk like Zack Davies, not in spite of him.
The rest of the far-right, including Mark Collet who at least has some intellect, find them a little boring. Art projects are sometimes a little like that.
That’s why the state, eventually, pulls their funding.
HOPE not hate exposes the individuals behind the disturbances and their links to far-right organisations and longstanding anti-migrant campaigns. The week of 29 July to…