Earlier today we broke a story about Ryan Fleming, a member of the group National Action, a youth based Nazi gang who like to dress up in black and terrorise innocent people.
The list of rapists, paedophiles and sex offenders on the far-right just grows longer. Normally the far-right has the decency to be outraged to discover that one of the brethren has done wrong.
Although there seems to be an inordinate number of sex offenders and predators within the far-right, it does mean they all are of that ilk.
National Action (NA) has always been a little different-a little unhinged, even for Nazis. That’s how they attracted the wannabe killer Zack Davies. According to our source, NA positively revels in videos of animal pornography, animal cruelty, Jihadist beheadings and the sick stunts of individuals within their orbit. It makes them think they are cutting edge..
National Action are no different. to the other nazi groups dominated by lonely, sad old men. They’re just disturbingly younger. The former associate of the group who pointed out to us Fleming as being a person of interest, also told us a story how the group hounds and pesters young women that show an interest in the group. The group allegedly pass between themselves not just their sick videos, but also pictures of young women and girls they pester into texting pictures of themselves. According to our source, one member of the group hounded one young woman so relentlessly and intensely, that she became worried about her safety.
So, unlike the rest of the Nazi movement, National Action are positively revelling in the fact that one of their number sexually assaulted a vulnerable young male and is on the sex offenders register. That man, Ryan Fleming, was horrified to be discovered. He claimed we had over-egged the offence. Read for yourselves here exactly what happened. You can also read in our original blog about Fleming’s ongoing fascination with “disaffected youths” and also the Moors Murderer, Ian Brady. Apparently, it’s hilarious.
What Fleming has not further admitted to, is his apparent association with the Satanic Cult the ‘Order of nine angles.’ Readers can acquaint themselves with activities of such a group at their own leisure. Three hours before we exposed Fleming, he was promising to hunt down and attack the individual in Newcastle who filmed and put on line the assault by a National Action member of a busker in the city centre.
I do wonder if the people who run the sex offdenders register are paying attention to Fleming’s ongoing associations and fixations with violence? He currently lives in the North East where is the leader of the group up there.
In defence of Fleming, National Action believe that his actions- forcing a vulnerable young man to perform a sex act on him- is perfectly acceptable. Jack Renshaw, who has been groomed to do great things in the far-right perhaps best sums up what really goes on in the life of an average neo-nazi in this country.
Renshaw himself has an ongoing obsession with Jailed Blackpool paedophile Andrew Steven Gregson.
There will be more and more to come about this. Let us not forget that Blackpool BNP had its own dirty secret that is slowly unravelling.
Late this evening, Fleming changed his on line name again. This time to Anton Grey. At least on of their number does not believe his story..