This picture did not get him into much trouble
It was a busy weekend for the half of our far-right that obsesses about Islam. As part of his war against tourism, Stephen Lennon (aka Tommy Robinson), popped out for a drink with his missus and then found himself- allegedly, in hospital with concussion.
The short-lived health update
They say he had concussion and had been glued/stitched up, but then they also said he was having a long sleep. I’m not sure that’s the right way to deal with concussion. But what do I know? Well, they did remove the announcement.
Nurse Ratched: Played by Hel Gower
One is reminded of another night out with his missus Lennon once had that ended up with him assaulting an off duty police officer who went to Mrs Lennon’s aid after Stephen lost his rag. Oh yes, they also found a quantity of drugs that time.
So, will we ever get to the bottom of what really happened last weekend? It’s unlikely. However, I’m in no doubt we will be asked to believe that Lennon was innocently supping in a night club occupied by the Mujahideen or some such global Jihadist entity. Send your donations to the usual address etc, etc.
Having been chased out of Bradford on Saturday afternoon, Britain First’s leadership were in court yesterday in relation to their previous activities in Luton. The answer to the Britain First problem appears to be just banning them from going places. We’re not really getting on top of the problem, are we Home Secretary?
Biffers’ banned: Fetch the bucket
This weekend the English Defence League (EDL) are kicking off their new season with a piss up in a Wetherspoons followed by a piss up in a car park (or some other static and convenient place) in their quest to prove to themselves and themselves they still exist.
The Biffers’ short stay in Bradford
You won’t be surprised to find that half of those stewarding the EDL in Preston will also have been on Lennon’s Pegida march in Birmingham earlier this month, but the word is to expect a few of the other hate gangs that operate in the north to join them this time.
Not only are the kids apparently trying to gang up on Lennon, they’re also trying to gang up against antifascists.
Edge: A whole day’s research?
Let’s hope that Andrew Edge publishes his hard hitting research into all matters relevant to this as soon as possible…
Andrew Edge: An idiot, not an academic