Crossland speaks to the assembled messes in Preston
Yesterday we reported on the EDL’s dismal demonstration in Preston, a sad affair which saw barely 100 fascists coralled down a side street in the Lancashire rain.
Our report noted how the group’s speeches went not just unseen but unheard. It turns out this was probaby just as well.
Last night the EDL posted a video of the event. This was carefully edited, filmed close up to disguise the pathetic size of the gathering, the producer seemingly trying to suggest a rally of Nuremberg proportions rather than the pitiful reality so clearly depicted in a police helicopter photograph. He was less diligent though in editing the speeches.
That EDL demo in its full glory
These were mainly the usual lies about denial of freedom of speech – made, er, during a speech on a public street – and typically laughable lies of the creeping sharia variety. Lancashire Police will be surprised to hear bizarre assertion that they need ask Muslim leaders permission to go out on patrol.
But where some judicial editing was seriously needed was during leader Ian Crossland’s rambling oration. It was unlikely to have impressed the locals nor won them over to the fascist cause.
It was all a bit nonsensical and ungrammatical. Perhaps, then, it’s best if we quote verbatim the finest leader the far right has seen since Pegida’s Tim Scott. So here goes….
“We should be allowed any form of expression as it’s not offensive, such as flying the George cross, supporting our nation as a patriot, even marching through a flea pit, shitty Preston town that is happening up and down our country.”
Preston is a proud and beautiful city. Its residents, who were out in force celebrating it on Saturday, won’t recognise that description. They might just find it offensive Ian.
There’s plenty more in that dribbling 40 word sentence to take issue with. Ian, you can fly the flag of St. George and no-one will be offended by it. They might take issue with you scrawling on it though. That seems rather disrespectful, maybe a little offensive.
You might also find people label as offensive screaming at a random Asian man “You’re a rapist” and calling onlooking Prestonians “c*nts” and “traitors”.
So Ian, what happened on Saturday is that, so far at least, you got away freedom of speech that was offensive. However, because you decided to post your own amusingly edited video of the day’s pathetic proceedings, you’ve not got away with insulting Preston and its honourable citizens. Way to go Crossland.
Chris Mitchell, a man who doesn’t have Lancashire Police’s ear