Not content with being the “white Delia Smith” the NF’s Deb McMahon now seems to want to become the Nazi Mystic Meg.
As with her infamous white man’s buffet though, the act proved to be pretty stale. In fact she turned out to something of a revisionist psychic, seeing things only after they had happened.
The day prior to the North West Infidels second ill-fated sojourn to Liverpool, McMahon was in quite a tizzy about the fun to be had. “Love flashes” she wrote, which thankfully meant allegedly impromptu demos and not hubby Kev peeling open his dressing gown. She was, she said, looking forward to a day out by the Mersey.
Come Saturday, presumably sat at home in Heywood having been noticeably absent from the day’s humiliation, she was screeching an altogether different tune. Now, after the event, she saw it coming. “Best to stay away” she said, although she claimed Kev had gone anyway. He wasn’t seen and, let’s face it, he’s a big fella, hard to miss. Safe to say he was safe away.
With Blackpool next stop on the NWI’s tour of police kettles, no doubt she’ll be trying out the act again. The end of the pier sounds a good venue.