Griffin: He’s leaving soon
The three race-hate Amigos’, Jim Dowson, Nick Griffin and Roberto Fiore have been in Budapest, Hungary, this weekend warning the locals about the dangers of both the European Union and of course, immigration.
The trip for Griffin and Fiore was paid for by the Alliance for Peace & Freedom (APF), the coalition of hardline European fascist parties. And obviously, n Griffin and Fiore’s visit was funded by the European Union. Griffin was their group’s official representative at the conference, Fiore the group’s chair.
Dowson was there in his capacity of being a religious extremist and also having bought up large amounts of Hungarian (and Polish) land, dare we say landlord?
Griffin is keen to leave the United Kingdom where he is possibly still one of the country’s most reviled men and almost completely unemployable. His Italian friend, Fiore, a low grade fascist playboy once linked to the terrorist outrage at Bologna train station appears to now be funding Griffin’s love of louche trips to the continent.
Dowson: Wishes he had a womb
This visit was the third such conference held in Budapest by the Reform Church to discuss “population.” The most obvious point the Three Amigos’ were there to make was that there were not enough white babies being born in Europe and that we are all in grave danger of being overrun by non-whites. Or, as Griffin told the conference, “The whole of Europe – including Britain – is in the early stages of a population collapse three times worse than the Black Death.” I’m not even sure that was a pun.
Dowson implored the Hungarians to do more to stop abortion in their country. Lots of the men there agreed with him, obviously. According to Dowson, abortions only happen to white Foetuses and is therefore, an enormous and worrying crime.
White babies: The only ones that matter
Griffin and Dowson also implored the conference- held at A Hazaters Temple in Liberty Square, just across the road from the Embassy of the United States, to keep their borders closed to people fleeing Syria and to instead, import Afrikaner people from the farms of South Africa. Griffin and co believe are facing a racial genocide at the hands of South Africa’s government.
Ever the conspiracy racist, Griffin also told the conference, if the white nations of central and eastern are to survive, “it’s not simple to close the gates and defend them with military force. Behind those gates you also need to have children. Lots and lots and lots of children.”
White children, obviously. And ever the patriot, Griffin warned them to protect their children: “Your own, plus the children of Boer refugees from the growing white genocide of the Afrikaners, and the future flood of genuine, white refugees from the Islamist Jihad that’s coming to Germany, France, Britain and the rest of western Europe.”
Griffin & Fiore: Out on the lash
Griffin was none too happy to hear that we were there. As is usual. In essence though, he’s leaving us. Please let him go.