Lennon’s nazi Twitter spat

Matthew Collins - 08 03 16
Lennon: May regret this pic

Lennon: May regret this pic

Stephen Lennon, the great leader of Muslim haters in this country, has had his website hacked. No doubt Lennon will be blaming a Muslim for it, but he may well have to look closer to home.

Hacked: Lennon's bookish problem

Hacked: Lennon’s bookish problem

Last night Lennon engaged in a ferocious Twitter spat with the sexual predator gang that goes by the name National Action. Most of their young members were radicalised after joining Lennon’s English Defence League (EDL) and most have been very bitter with him since he left them in a carpark unsupervised a few years later.

Lennon: knows all about standing around

Lennon: knows all about standing around

National Action (NA) has been plotting against the now leader of Pegida UK and have found it easy to wind him up.

For a week now NA have actually been plotting to take down the website that sells Lennon’s book. Whether they are quite good enough to hack into it, remains to be seen; at the moment the group seems merely proficient at sharing pornographic videos, but their chief pornographer and sex offender Ryan Fleming appears quite skilled in the darker arts of the internet.

Helm & co: Reply with fantasies

Helm & co: Reply with fantasies

Chief in Lennon’s internecine spat was Garron Helm, the lovelorn nazi from Liverpool who has been to prison for targeting members of the Jewish community. In keeping with National Action’s obsession with sex, Helm targeted Lennon’s wife primarily with graphic depictions of his own fantasies.

I hope these boys sort it out soon; Lennon has spent quite a bit of time over the water with people in Ireland where he always brags he descends from, and Helm, sadly, comes from a long line of active Irish Republicans in Liverpool.

Helm: he's never gone away, you know

Helm: he’s never gone away, you know

Lennon's being mocked by both friend and foe

Lennon’s being mocked by both friend and foe


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