Well, last week was not a good week to be a British fascist. If you were not already banged up, you are probably expecting a knock on the door from Mr Plod at any minute. So far there are some forty far-right activists under arrest or on bail for the riot in Dover at the end of January.
Another thirty were arrested on the eve or the day of their planned return to Dover. I’m sure Kent Constabulary will be very grateful to Paul Prodromou for organising the reunion.
Those who did get to march in Dover on the weekend were a very poor bunch. Their drummer could not even drum and despite a promise by Prodroumou that there would be no alcohol on the march, most of the marchers were inebriated before the pub they were meeting at even opened.
What was interesting was just how many English Defence League (EDL) members were down in Dover. It really now has ceased to be anything more than just a name and a few tatty flags and hooded tops. I’m sure we all remember when they protested they were not a nazi organisation. Now they’re really getting down and dirty with the very Untermensch that in the main, they spawned themselves.
Among those at Dover was Kevin Wilshaw who is as obsessed with me now as he was some twenty years ago. Kevin hung around by himself with no-one to talk to, pretty much the same way that he did when I was in the National Front (NF) with him. Apparently when his missus divorced him a few years back she cited Adolf Hitler as a co respondent (of which he is very proud.)
These days Kevin sits indoors watching and critiquing daytime television before popping out to follow and photograph his local “lefty” to WH Smiths in Aylesbury. After that he goes to the Wetherspoons and then home to write messages to us. It’s a sad life for him, but he is mighty excited about Hitler’s birthday this month and has been (I kid you not), preparing himself for the big celebration he is holding with and for himself, by trying on a brown shirt and swastika armband. There is nothing weird about that, I’m sure…
There were very few NF or North West Infidels at Dover on account of their raging disagreements with the world and the fact that a lot of them are currently already facing rioting and drug possession charges. So it was left to Paul Prodromou (using the anglicised name ‘Pitt’ for the day) to burn the flag of the European Union. I wonder if at any time while he was doing that he thought back to the time he was growing up in Cyprus? Probably not, he doesn’t like to talk about it..
Up in Birmingham, less than 100 people bothered to turn up for another silent walk by Stephen Lennon’s Pegida UK. I doubt this would have impressed the German leadership of the parent organisation that flew over to address it. Still, they did pull out all the stops to impress the Germans. Mohammed, the ex-Muslim who has joined Lennon’s gang was told in no uncertain terms to put his Pakistan flag back in its carrier bag. The demonstration was also noticeable for the absence of leading members of Liberty GB who apparently nobody wanted to drive to Birmingham. Lennon announced that his next silent walk would be in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, on 28th May. Why even bother?
And finally, the English Democrats. Remember them? They really are a party that could fall into roses and come up smelling only of the manure. Late last year they announced that their candidate for this year’s London Mayoral Elections would be the controversial former UKIP candidate Winston Mckenzie. Yes, a black man for a party full of former BNP members. They announced Winston’s candidature at a plush London hotel and only five people including the candidate and the party leader, bothered to show up.
Not to worry, Winston is still the highest profile candidate the party has ever had. So, when he turned up to hand in his £20,000 deposit (in cash!) last week, I’m sure the party had high hopes for him. The only problem was that a nominating signatory had already nominated another candidate. That’s right, out of millions of voters in London, the English Dems could not find one that had not already nominated someone else.
That is…. sad?