One of our favourite fascists is the loveable young rogue Kevin Layzell. From one scheme to another, Kevin has travelled the globe (mainly the Circle line) to bring about an all white world.
He is the king of the colander; his most favourite kitchen instrument to use to declare his love of this country. What he wears when he is running around with his Polish mates or sitting down with the police to tell tales in exchange for beer money, is anybody’s guess.
Recently he pierced his ears to make himself more dynamic and cutting edge. He also previously donned bizarre goggles to make himself more dynamic and cutting edge. Then we reverted back to a pair of Farah’s and tank top, also to make himself more cutting edge and dynamic.
Kevin is the fascist dynamo.
Despite not particularly liking the National Front (who does these days?) Kevin has thrown his colander in the ring and declared himself the National Front candidate in the forthcoming Heaton by-election in Havering. It should be an interesting little adventure for Kevin, his old party the British National Party (BNP) are also standing in the election.
Kevin’s election leaflet is a real corker, too. He is a family kind of guy holding a wet flag and standing up for family values and the British way of life. No mention of Polish plumbers or anything or the sort. No mention of any embarrassing convictions, either.
The election count should be great. I guess he’s going through his wardrobe right now…
Having no wardrobe function is another favourite of ours, Paul Prodromou. Britain’s best political organiser has decided he is going to organise a two day far-right extravaganza in beleaguered Dover, the place where Paul’s fascist mates like to go and throw rocks. Now Paul and his gang are planning a two-day booze and brawl fest in the town to help with its “regeneration.” Yes, it’ll work..
The plans is that Paul throws a party with some crap bands and a load of racists descend on Dover to spend money at local shops. Can you imagine it? He can. Let’s hope it ends up like every other activity he has planned and organised- in the sea.
Britain Awake: They’re killing the language