Nazi sex offender releases book

Matthew Collins - 14 04 16
Fleming: A danger to young men

Fleming: A danger to young men

Ryan Fleming, the British neo-nazi on the sex offenders’ register, has released a book.

Fleming, who was sent to prison for two years for forcing a vulnerable young man into a sex act is the author of ‘Codex Aristarchus’ a book on Satanism.

Released today, ‘Codex Aristarchus’ is the collective works and definitive product of this vile individual’s warped and sick mind. Apparently, “the reader themselves can step upon the black path of the Wamphyri – feeding upon the human herd .”

As well as being quite proud of his conviction for sexually abusing a young man, the college student is extremely proud of his association with black magic and Satanism. Boasting how young people are drawn to him and find him attractive, Fleming is often found quoting the notorious child killer Ian Brady, one half of the ‘Moors Murderers’.

According to the bumph that goes with the book that is released in the United States today and available only through mail order, Fleming’s book (written under the alias A. A. Morain), derives from “the blood-stained moors of West Yorkshire, England..”

Fleming's book: Will come wrapped in plastic

Fleming’s book: Will come wrapped in plastic

If that doesn’t give you an idea about what follows, the book is also “genuinely amoral vampiric praxis melding the black arts of predatory astral vampirism.” Now I’m no expert, but Fleming recommending predatory anything is a cause for concern.

His little friends in the gang National Action will no doubt once more be excited and titillated that “Dirty old Ryan” is continuing the group’s endless fixation with depraved activities.

One wonders how long it will be before those entrusted with keeping this predatory nazi on a tight leash, decide it is time to take action in the interest of the public good.

Fleming’s dangerous perversions have already led to a split within the National Front.


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