Marc Watson: The Wigan Warrior
A difficult few days for the North West Infidels (NWI) and the National Front (NF) as their once mighty love affair continues to crash around them.
Despite an appeal for unity by the NF’s former Chairman, the last two days have seen two houses attacked by rival factions, windows smashed, car tyres slashed and a delicious envelope of information arrive at our office.
Kev Bryan: Former NF leader getting very nervous
For legal reasons we cannot produce much of the material we are in possession of and nor do we wish to prejudice one of a series of trials that are about to begin. These are a truly horrendous gang of sick individuals and that they are now turning their violent attentions on each other is something we should all be grateful of. One particular case that involves one of the group is evidence enough that its activities are wholly criminal and in no way political.
I would suggest that the National Front’s plan for a buffet and narcotics exchange in north Manchester this weekend is more than likely to turn into a belated Valentine’s Day massacre. Still, don’t let that stop Debbie cooking up some sausage rolls for those partaking in a planned fight before hand at a Manchester tram station. We hear that people from as far a field as Coventry and Newcastle are planning on arriving in time for knuckle and jam sandwiches.
Watson with Jesus
I covered the nazi army wannabe’s a lot this past week and so today is no different. Britain First, the faux Christian Patriots who do communion with a bottle of vodka and diet pills have “stood down” Marc Watson of Wigan, because they feel he is not capable of persisting with their current round of punch ups outside of Mosques.
Watson, who hails from Wigan, has not let this sad news get him down. Just like Jesus would have, he has gone to ground to find a solution to his current troubles.
And, just like Jesus would probably not have done, Watson’s solution is to search for a better way to protect his knuckles. Yes, it’s in the Bible folks.