The British National Party (BNP) South West Organiser Julie Lake recently announced she was stepping down. Then she was not. Then she was happy again.
Just this last week she has been particularly happy with the attention she has been receiving from Party Chairman Adam Walker. Hardly a moment has passed on her social media without mentioning how hard Walker is working and how well he is treating her.
If only the other 2600 people who have quit the BNP since he took over could receive the same personal attention they wouldn’t be in the mess they are, probably. Any chance of Simon Derby getting a lift in Adam’s Range Rover to his next visit to the Supermarket? No, I guess not. Not only is he the daftest, Walker is still the scruffiest of any party leader in Britain.
There was some excitement in the party last week when their candidate for London Mayor David Furness sat next to George Galloway at a hustings event held by pensioners in Lewisham, South London. According to the party’s report of the occasion, Furness was quite a hit. “He spoke to several and gave them literature.” Indeed. Dare I ask whether it was the usual request to sign all your worldly goods over to the party, coupled with a “Do Not Resuscitate” order?
The fight between Kevin McMahon of the National Front (NF) and the assorted weirdoes and child abusers of the nazi gang National Action doesn’t appear to be slowing down much. This week the NF are threatening Leeds based nazi Tommy Johnson (real name Ashley Bell). Of course, McMahon is not doing the threatening himself (the last thing he wants is his hobby farm being invaded by glue sniffers again) and is farming the work out to of all places, the Scottish borders. And that means that some bloke called Peter Duncalf is now going to “stamp” on Bell’s head on the instructions of Melanie Adams who has been told that National Action are targeting her- by the National Front. Do keep up, dear!
But the troubles for the NF, National Action and also the North West Infidels do not end here. One of their own has been going around attacking the houses of people inside the group(s) that they do not like, including the home of one member currently up for intent to supply Class A drugs. Sadly, we cannot go into the full details of this disgusting affair, but no doubt it will all come out at the Coroner’s report.
Things should be a little brighter for the fash this weekend when those not currently on bail or involved in child abuse or dealing drugs make their way to West London for a meeting of the London Forum. For twenty of your English pounds they’re offering ‘Anglo Saxon Poetry’ which sounds like a lot of words that rhyme with ‘duck’ to me.
Mike Whitby will be there to give a speech about the evil Jews. Whitby will proably not be talking about why he has been thrown out of his own party, but dare I say there will be a close eye kept on any collection that is made on the evening?
The only problem for the day I can foresee is Richard Edmonds being able to make his speech (about Jews), what with the strict dress code etc, etc