Porn king Steve Squire
Porn king Steve Squire has announced plans to leave the sinking ship that is the BNP for the rapidly submerging vessel that is Britain First.
In an email to his “BNP friends”, of which there have been increasingly few over the years, Squire writes:
“I’ve applied to join Britain First and if accepted will support them as I think they are doing good work and getting a huge profile. I will never forget you.”
His new plans for departure follow his old, his BNP membership having seen more ins and outs than a male actor in one of the 850 porn movies he shifts from his Soho emporium. Having quit as London organiser in April 2013 and again in December 2015, he was then expelled from the party in January this year, but continued to hang around like the proverbial bad smell. He filled his time administering the party’s London Facebook page and, it seems, crafting his application to join Golding’s shower. No need for a knife block in the office kitchen when you’ve got Adam Walker’s back to hand.
The question now is what Golding will do with that application. Even in the febrile and amoral world of far right politics, Squire is hot potato, a man who revels in sowing division. Former leader turned ironic immigrant Nick Griffin still harbours a grudge following a well-publicised incident involving Squire’s ex in the car park of an Indian restaurant in Kent. That same ex also accused Squire of “effectively trying to pimp me out” as part of a wider campaign to undermine former elections supremo Eddy Butler. Butler later put Squire on his arse before quitting the BNP.
So will Golding see Squire as member bait? Given his history and the hostility the man ceaselessly attracts from among those allegedly his own, that would seem a stretch. But then Golding is hardly renowned for his strategic nous.
Then there’s the whole issue of morality, again not a specialist subject for Golding. But he is prone to lugging crosses across the country with side-kick Jayda Fransen as they do founder and former funder Jim Dowson’s work. Jim trained as is Calvanist minister and one presumes will not therefore be too keen for Britain First to accept as a member a sex shop owner accused of selling date rape drugs.
His contacts, though, may come in handy should Golding ever wish to monetise a certain video which reportedly stars himself and Jayda but has so far benefited from only limited distribution. It’s a niche market but when times is hard….
Of course Squire’s own motivations must be questioned. He’s enticed, he says, by Britain First’s “good work” and “huge profile”. That good work has included invading mosques to harass elderly imams, stunts which even Dowson railed at, and being laughed at and resoundingly rejected by the whole of London during the recent mayoral campaign.
As for profile, well Ian Brady and Fred West also score highly on recognition Steve. Being known isn’t all. Britain First’s visibility is enhanced mainly by piss-taking articles in the Huffington Post and Independent, news outlets which can spot useful click-bait well enough. They should perhaps take a closer look at the glaring disparity between Bangladeshi-bought social media attention and real world support to determine if this motley rabble are worthy even of urine extraction.