The plan by neo-nazis to regenerate the town they almost destroyed with their violence takes shape tomorrow with the beginning of a two day hate fest of far-right ‘musicians’ and hooligans getting drunk in Dover before heading off to a secret gig to rock against immigration.
Unfortunately, things have not gone too well for the organiser of the weekend of hate, Paul Prodromou, and it appears the local police seem intent on scuppering his plans.
Literally dozens of far-right thugs are currently facing prison or are indeed already in prison for their recent activities and a whispering campaign against Prodromou from fellow far-right failure Joe Marsh aka Joe Turner who is currently domiciled in nearby Deal with his internet love interest is making everyone involved with the day uncomfortable.
Marsh is asking the question (as per Joey Owens) about Prodromou’s ability to continually evade arrest. No-one (except Joe Owens) appears to know the answer to that. What needs to happen now, is for Prodromou to get himself arrested as soon as possible. It’s the only way..
There has been a (un)surprising change of tact by notorious far-right wally and the man who defeated Joseph Stalin in a naked wrestling contest, Jack Sen. We have often written about his comical exploits in his bid to impress his white friends and now it seems that Mr Sen has decided being white is not all it is cracked up to be after all. Last night Sen decided to extend a warm welcome to presumably other non-whites in his crusade. I’m neither one for jokes or treading on thin ice in this instance. Make your own. Apparently his Mother helps out in Nigel Farage’s office. A likely story…
The poor old Leave EU campaign is still being plagued by the far-right. Their argument with Mark Collett appears to rumble on and on with Collett and his nazi friends believing they have done nothing wrong by handing out the group’s leaflets. One of those who has been handing out leaflets with Collett may struggle to get out of Germany the next time he goes there. It’s believed the violent thug and psychopath Wayne Bell aka Wayne Jarvie was party to the childish antics of the group National Action in Germany recently.
But it is not just Collett and friends who have attached their unpleasant selves to the campaign. So too has Martin Vaughn from ‘British Voice’ the BNP splinter group who took the baker Greggs to task over halal sausage rolls. Vaughan and his group are even hosting a ‘Vote Leave’ conference. Usual conferences hosted by this sort of group are actually more focused on deporting than leaving.. At least the buffet won’t be Halal. Or Kosher.
Paul Hilliard (remember him?) the failed candidate in the BNP’s leadership election has also been out campaigning for Vote Leave in Derbyshire. Hilliard is a member of just about every far-right party in the UK (except the BNP).