At the beginning of the year HOPE not hate’s ‘State of Hate ‘ report reported the extreme far-right in this country as smaller and more violent and asked the question why the far-right was performing so badly against what appeared to be a rather favourable backdrop of migrant and refugee scare stories.
The answer seemed to be a simple lack of coherent leaders. As we approach the halfway mark of 2016, dozens of far-right activists are either in prison or face imprisonment for a whole host of activities ranging from drug dealing, domestic violence and rioting. Having begun the year as bolshie, they’re now retreating to oblivion and beyond.
Tomorrow, Stephen Lennon will have a supposed silent walk in Rotherham. He really is fighting a losing battle. His brand is in decline and he has been unable to mainstream himself between visits to the clink. Whatever the justifiable outrage has been in Rotherham, his drunken shuffle will likely end in a carpark somewhere.
In Brighton, the coward that is Joe Turner and uses the name Jeff Marsh, has been promising a ‘spectacular’ return to the streets for ‘March for England’ tomorrow, using the name ‘South Coast Resistance’ among other names. March for England is the drunken gang with tatty flags bought from sports shops who proclaim they are defending Englishness. Turner, who has a conviction for stabbing two young football fans and for beating a woman, is notorious for hiding out on big demonstrations where he has called people to come out and fight with him. He has changed the name of his gang so many times it comes as no surprise to see he is now squatting the ‘March for England’ name and his own ‘Pie & Mash’ squad of photo-shopped wallies.
Like he did in Brighton a few years ago and then in Southend more recently, Turner actually holes up in a bar a distance away or just stays in bed eating his favourite Chinese dish. His cunning cowardice in not turning up with Paul Prodromou’s South East Alliance gang for a pre-arranged attack on antifascist football fans last year has left a huge grudge between Turner and Prodromou. And yes Turner is Welsh, not English.
Will Turner actually turn up in Brighton tomorrow? Well, if you hear that women are being beaten up on the seafront by drunks, it will be him.
But scum does rise to the top in a vacuum and there seems nothing stopping the Cypriot hiding behind an Anglicised name, Paul Prodromou aka Paul Pitt, from persisting with his endless and pathetic campaigns. Paul ‘Prophanity’ Prodromou is perhaps, the worst organiser of far-right demonstrations the far-right has ever produced. He’s led more fascists into roadblocks, dead-ends and police cordons than anyone in the history of the far-right. Some of it has been incredibly funny. But, he’s a persistent so and so.
The hilarity of his campaign to single-handedly ‘regenerate’ Dover by bussing a load of nazis into the town and then bus them off to Maidstone (nowehere near Dover) last weekend for ‘Rock Against Immigration’ probably still will not be the end of him. The local paper summed up the hilarity and stupidity of the silly little man quite well:
“In the end a pathetic, embarrassing, fewer than 30 turned up at Dover Priory on Saturday. Overwhelmingly outnumbered by police as they trudged towards the Eastern Docks, forgetting the lyrics of their hate-filled chants – this was the moment the far-right became farcical.”
This video just about sums it all up.
The British National Party (BNP) and the National Front are both crippled by infighting, inactivity and stupidity and it appears that a non-white man has taken up the reins of the electoral far-right. That man, Jack Sen had to form his own group because apparently, he is the wrong colour to join other far-right parties. It would be wrong to call him a liar, even if he talks to himself on Facebook, beat up Joseph Stalin in a nightclub and lost a toe during the Boxer Rebellion.