Ayscough in Nottingham on the weekend
Yesterday a snip from a hastily removed video appeared on social media that appeared to show aging and serial criminal and far-right thug Conrad Ayscough about to or in the process of interfering with a Muslim woman during a far-right protest in Nottingham on the weekend.
Ayscough: Not a nice fella
The video had been hastily removed from social media. The screen grab was of some concern because Ayscough has history of committing crimes against women. This is probably why he moved from Yorkshire to Lancashire to hang out with the drug dealers and wife beaters of the ‘Infidels’. Indeed, he is understood to have shacked up with the mother of one leading ‘Infidel’ for a while.
We cannot name which ‘Infidel’ as he is currently facing imprisonment like the rest of the gang.
Ayscough visited our Facebook page to brag
There was considerable panic in their number as they feared Ayscough would probably be the subject of some kind of police investigation as a result of the screen grab being made public. Ayscough himself did not seem too concerned (or literate) about it, actually going onto HOPE not hate’s Facebook page to act like some kind of hero.
But fair play, we accept there is very little likelihood of the police actually tracking anyone down who may have been assaulted by Ayscough. So here is Ayscough throwing a smoke flare in Nottingham around the same time. I’m sure the local plod will know how to find him pretty sharpish.
We’re not going to ask whatever happened to Jayda Fransen of Britain First, and will instead just jump right in and ask what Britain First were doing in Wales on the weekend. The answer is ‘rough camping’ and learning about British culture. They also pretended they were being attacked by Jihadists with knives while all the time their leader, Paul Golding, held a bible.
Britain First’s take on Britishness
After fighting off Jihadis who masqueraded as Chavs with pieces of wood, Britain First appear to have then tucked into a snack that was high in Halal content (except for the sausages.)
Golding: Making a good book bad
So there you have it; British culture is Pot Noodle, bacon, blonde ‘birds’, sausages, lots of smoking (by the look of the pics) and rolling around on the floor with wooden knives and a bible.
A Chavhadi gets wood
The party are back out in the country next month for their ‘Britannia Fest’ which will probably also include Vodka and diet pills.
Is that they way Jayda would’ve wanted it?
Not sure an army can march on that..