In an hour of darkness, fascists live out their sick fantasies

Matthew Collins - 16 06 16
Daniel Hall brags and issued more threats

Daniel Hall brags and issued more threats

Many of us are still desperately trying to comprehend the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox, the member for Batley and Spen.

The entire political process has ground to a halt as members from all parties join us in trying to come to terms this horrendous crime.

These people are beyond words

These people are beyond words

Words can hardly do justice to something so vile, so indescribable and wicked.

That is except, for the very sick fringes of our society, from where it is alleged the very killer of an elected member of our parliament comes from.

Daniel Hall: Writer of threats and more threats

Daniel Hall: Writer of threats and more threats

Daniel Hall from Sutton in Ashfield, is from the ‘Notts Casual Infidels’ gang, a hybrid of both the English Defence League (EDL) and the nominally northern west based ‘Infidels’ gangs.

He has taken to social media to welcome the murder of an MP and predict more of the same. Hall, who is the brother of a UKIP and Pegida activist named Jordan, only yesterday put on social media a threat that another Labour MP needed to “disappear.”

Also today, the South East Alliance greeted the murder of Cox with the hope that her killer was a Muslim.

Do we really need these sick individuals in society?

South East Alliance: More nazi sicknes

South East Alliance: More nazi sicknes

David Coppin is a well-known member of the EDL who likes to drink his days away in ‘Sheldons’ a pub at the top of Margate High Street, in Margate. He is another sick individual who has taken pleasure in the murder.

These words are like their deeds. A warning that our democracy is at risk from both sides of a soiled coin.

Coppin: Sick, sick little man

Coppin: Sick, sick little man

Margate's Coppin with back to camera

Margate’s Coppin with back to camera


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