News of the foul mouth that is Paul Prodromou often appears on our pages.
He is the most unsuccessful organiser in the history of the far-right. And for a grown man, he has a very filthy mouth.
Paul likes to dream. Paul likes to pretend. Everything he does is for ‘unity’ but everything he touches turns to dust.
His little group, the ‘South East Alliance’ (SEA) are experiencing more than a little trouble at the moment. People have had enough of Prodromou ranting and raving. Thing in particular came to a head after his laughable attempt to regenerate Dover- the town whose reputation has been damaged by the riotous behaviour of Paul’s colleagues back in January.
People have continued to snipe that Podromou still has not been arrested for what is best described as his ‘marginal’ behaviour and activities. And it hurts.
Last night Prodromou ranted and raved that he had to drive an empty mini bus to the Rock Against Immigration gig he organised. Where were his supporters? How can a grown man dress and behave like he has done in the picture at the top of the article and still expect to be taken seriously?
His former followers are walking away as they have had enough of him. It’s believed one of the issues is regarding the administration of the ‘Prisoners Support Group’ that has been set up to raise funds for fascists in prison. This dubious honour has been passed to Prodromou’s rival, Joe Turner (aka Jeff Marsh). The split is exacerbated further by a divide between those who have been sent to prison for their activities after pleading guilty and those who are holding out by refusing to plead guilty.
Following is a private video address that Prodromou issued last night in desperation to his follower(s). Be warned, he is a very angry and foul mouthed individual. He’ll be even angrier when he sees we have this video. So much for Unity, eh?