No surprises last night when people loyal to English Defence League (EDL) founder Stephen Lennon split what remained of the group to form another group that will be exactly the same as the one they split from.
Twelve “tools” (their own words) have come together to form “United People of Britain (UPB)”. The problem with this section of the far-right has always been themselves not understanding the difference between England, Britain a Wetherspoons and knife and fork. The United People of Britain will continue to work for the better interests of the English, blah, blah, blah. Like the Tory party.
Among the twelve tools is Billy Charlton who until yesterday, ran the Sunderland Defence League (SDL). Charlton is a notorious drunken ranter at far-right demonstrations and SDL had until recently been linked to the drugs gang “North West Infidels.” It is understood (though not confirmed) that Charlton jumped ship after not being invited to a series of sit-down luncheons that group are having to discuss who will lead their depleted gang once the courts have dealt fully with their drug dealing and violence.
This UPB should not be confused with the other UPB who are the United Patriots of Britain. The new group has hoovered up a series of one man operations around the country. Most of those behind the new group are also active in Lennon’s Pegida. None more so than Bill Weir who is a regular speaker at Pegida’s under attended and rain-soaked rallies in carparks. Weir was the man honest enough to admit that the EDL were hoping to make a few bob out of the murder of Lee Rigby.
Another of the new group’s leadership is currently on bail after storming his local church a week ago and making a bit of a tit of himself.
The rest are a series of human embarrassments who would not look out of place….. in the EDL. Aside from Charlton, they are all active in Pegida.
Splitting the EDL will obviously please Pegida who were having some trouble working with Lennon’s old chums. There has been a few weeks of uncomfortable manoeuvres behind the scenes in Pegida and its supporter groups, namely Liberty GB, led by the quite brilliant Paul Weston. Having excused himself from their most recent demonstrations, word is he was back talking to Paul Golding again about the possibility of moving into a leadership position in Britain First. The murder of MP Jo Cox halted those negotiations as Weston then found himself leading a party that was going to stand in Cox’s constituency against convention and general decency.
Yesterday the English Democrats announced they would also stand in Batley and Spen. Although yes, in the absence of the mainstream parties in the forthcoming by-election it does stink of sick opportunism, this decision is more about the infighting going on behind closed doors in Pegida. Both the English Dems and Liberty GB operate in the backroom office of Pegida, though there has been a push by some to oust Ann Marie Waters and in return, Lennon’s PA Hel Gower in recent weeks.
Interesting but hardly exciting times, again. This new group will be no more dynamic and dangerous than it already was. With the Infidels all but completely going, going and gone to gaol and Pegida floundering, the most sensible thing to do was to reinvent the wheel and give a rust bucket a lick of paint.
After reading yesterday’s blog, someone very kindly sent us a picture they hope illustrates just how drunk Ian Crossland was when leading the EDL in London last weekend. We’ve actually never seen him any other way.