There really are not enough weeks in the year to cover every far-right wally. But as a special one-off, let’s revisit my old mate Carl Worrall who appears to have left the Isle of Wight (there’s probably street parties being prepared as I write) and has moved to Louth in Lincolnshire. It’s more white than Wight there (in his opinion). As well as being a wally, Worrall is also quite nasty.
He was nasty and a wally when I knew him the National Front some twenty odd years ago.
Worrall now runs around with the English Defence League (EDL) and is a proper paid-up member of the get drunk and urinate in public brigade that fills the very few ranks of the organisation.
On Saturday he turned up with 65 other EDL addicts to march in Nottingham. While on the march Worrall was mouthing off to antifascists, calling them “scum” and “junkies” etc, etc. Towards the end of the march (all 298 yards of it,) Worrall could contain himself no longer and lit himself what was allegedly, one of them marijuana cigarettes.
He then strolled over to a British Bobby to make some inane remark and was nicked. Now, regardless of your opinion on the alleged wacky tobacco etc, etc, I’m sure you’ll agree, that does make Worrall a wally.
He’s in for an even bigger surprise when he turns up to pick vegetables next week, too…